Would you rather be blind or deaf?


Well-Known Member
I couldn't live without sight. It would be much easier and less painful to learn sign language, than negotiating a busy street without being able to see.
I would rather be blind than deaf. When someone is deaf, he or she is usually mute, too. If I am blind, I can still hear the wonderful sounds around me. I can appreciate music. Even if I can't see, I will still be able to imagine things around me.
I'd prefer to be deaf than blind. I cannot live without seeing the beautiful things in the world. Thank god, I'm neither blind nor deaf.
Hmmmm......I think I would rather be deaf. What would the world be if I couldn't see color and faces? Hard to imagine.
I really "DON'T" want to be either of those,but in comparison with the 2,deaf looks better,at least we get to have hearing aids.Without sight i would be distraught to say the least and get vexed up.
I really pity those kids,life sure is a hell for them and yet they survive..Kudos..!!
I couldn't live without sight. It would be much easier and less painful to learn sign language, than negotiating a busy street without being able to see.

I totally agree with you. If I was to either be blind or deaf then I'd rather be deaf but at least see. See the beautiful scenes that this world has to offer.
That's a tough decision but I would be deaf than blind. I can only imagine not have either, but not being able to see is
incomprehensible to me. I can rely on sign language to help understand what is said.
I wouldn't want to be blind or deaf, but if I had to choose, I would choose deaf. I already know sign language so it would be easy for me to function if I lost my hearing. I couldn't stand not being able to see because there would be no way for me to function.
I loves being able to see so I would rather be deaf than blind. I can always learn sign language and read lips to know what people are saying. They can also write down anything. With out my eyes, I would not be able to see the beauty of the world and I would have to depend on people to help me around.
I couldn't imagine never seeing my children again. It would break my heart. It would also break my heart to never hear them speak to me again, but at least seeing their beautiful faces and eventually their children.. I need that.
Ouch, come on, neither, I can't even answer this question and I respect a lot the people who have these problems, like has to be harder to them than it is to us.
That is a tricky question, and I am glad and thank God for my sight and hearing, if it came down to picking then I would rather be deaf, at least I can get to see,yet have my own imagination of what I can see happen because I can not hear.
I had rather be deaf. I rely on my eyes a lot more than my ears. When i walk into a situation I imediately assess my surroundings visually. I prefer to assess the entire room in one quick glance rather than taking so much longer to listen to everything going on.
I had rather be deaf. I rely on my eyes a lot more than my ears. When i walk into a situation I imediately assess my surroundings visually. I prefer to assess the entire room in one quick glance rather than taking so much longer to listen to everything going on.

Not to mention I have already begun learning sign language.
I'm going to go against the grain here and say I would personally prefer to be blind. I am a music fanatic and attend concerts regularly, so I would not be able to live without my sense of hearing. I am sure I would be able to function being blind, it will take some getting used to, but at least I would still have my ability to communicate verbally.
I'd rather be deaf than blind. I love reading, watching movies, seeing happy people, looking at the wonderful things around me. If I lose my sight, it would really be painful for me. I would never want that to happen so I'll just sacrifice my sense of hearing for it.
If you had to choose, then deaf, but as we get older we all lose out hearing and our eyesight. I meet older people who struggle to hear, but there are hearing aids now and being blind must be hard, especially if you could see before. My father has had cataract surgery and he struggled to see anything and it was hard for him to adjust.
I'd rather be blind. I'd much happier not to see all the suffering in the world. Of course I'd feel a bit of it but at least it won't be as bad as actually being able to see but not having the ability to do anything to make a positive change [in the world]. IMO people who are both blind and deaf are luckier than the rest of us.
I'd rather be deaf as well. Blindness removes much more of your capabilities and freedom. Also there has been much more success in restoring hearing than restoring sight.
Wow, hard question! I couldn't live without either one really but I think I will chose being deaf.
It would be very sad for me if I wouldn't be able to see this beautiful world! I would be scared of that complete darkness.