Woman Who Had Sex With Family Dog Since She Was 13 Arrested


Well-Known Member
Old news but it's disgusting enough . . .

The woman is now 20. That's like 7 years of bestiality.
A woman was arrested on charges of bestiality after she showed pictures to her boyfriend of herself having sex with a dog.
Shameful? Obviously, not for this woman. But the worst part of it all is
The father allegedly [knew that] his daughter had [been] having sex with dogs in the past and that he focused on trying to get custody of his grandson, who is the son of his daughter.
The father knew. Such irresponsible people never should be allowed to have children. If only there was a way to do it . . .
This is truly heart wrenching.For a woman to subject her self to such despicable act speaks volume about the moral decay in our society.People have no self respect and life has ceased to be sacred. And for the father to acknowledge her daughter's behavior really puts shame on that family.That woman surely needs professional help even as she faces her criminal charges.
The problem is she needed rehabilitation from an early age but never got the proper guidance so this perversion took on another level entirely. If she indeed had kicks, I feel sorry for the kids for having to deal with extended absences of their mother. She should have known or felt the little bit guilty or wrong.
Rainman, where do you find them? She's obviously got some sort of psychological issue and needs help. She should have been helped years ago, the father should have made her seek treatment. I wonder what will happen to her now? Does this deserve prison time? Or do you think a hospital order would be more appropriate?
Can we get a source for this?

While I know Bestiality occurs I find it hard to believe that it would go on for this long without someone intervening. If the father knew and didn't do anything about it thats just sick. It makes me wonder if he took some sick pleasure from it. Who would let their kids do something like this?
For crying out loud.... so the father and the boyfriend knew and they didn't bother getting that woman admitted to into an institution? That is far from normal not to mention she has a kid and omg... nvm
Well, that's a more committed relationship than most teenagers and celebrities have 'em. I've stopped thinking of bestiality in term of "evil" and "oh my god mental illness put them away for sure" since I read an interesting AMA from a woman who did stuff like this on Reddit. I cannot find the precise one anymore, but a quick search turned up different results.

I think this one quote from a person who does this kind of thing is interesting:

No, I do think they give consent if they penetrate. You can't force an animal to mount you and penetrate you. I've only done it once and that dog was eager to do it and I really think that it enjoyed f*cking me.

To turn this question back on you, do you consider yourself a murderer? It doesnt seem like animals enjoy being slaughtered for meat, nor do they give consent. How do you justify the suffering of those animals which we all eat every day, but not the "suffering" of an animal which eagerly mounts someone and f*cks them?

I mean, I'm pretty sure it's not a good role model to have for her kids, but ethically speaking, I'm not sure I'd condemn her this hard about how wrong it is. I think we don't condemn people who get prostitutes as much, even if the only consent is given because of money -- so the prostitutes might not really want it but are happy with the reward. You could say this might be the same thing with an animal. But from the "interviews" with zoophiles it looks like they really care about the animals wanting to have sex with them without any rewards.

It is weird for sure. But on the complete spectrum of weird and hurtful we've got going in the society, I don't think this is as much of a harmful practice as other things.

edited because I got a detail wrong
For crying out loud.... so the father and the boyfriend knew and they didn't bother getting that woman admitted to into an institution? That is far from normal not to mention she has a kid and omg... nvm

The Boyfriend turned her in when he found out.

Here we are, from the UK Daily Mail website, known for their accuracy, non-sensationalism and common sense approach!

Mother, 20, 'told boyfriend she has been having sex with her dogs since she was 13 and often fantasizes about incest' | Daily Mail Online

Ah okay, I thought this might be new, I remember reading about this case a couple years ago in the Huffington Post.
That is just nasty. that woman has no business being a parent. I swear just when I think I've seen, and heard it all. Another freak comes out of the wood works. Honestly having sex with animals is the lowest low I feel sorry for the dogs.
Unfortunately there is little authorities can do when this is kept closely guarded for so long by the parent. These crimes must be acknowledged and reported much sooner. People have to be more responsible in order to stop these crimes.
This makes my stomach turn. how could one person even have the thought "I'm gonna do the family dog." I mean really now, how does one even come to dream of an idea like that? There was a woman in my hometown that was caught on tape doing nasty things with a dog for drugs, I felt do bad for her children. I lived in a very small town so word spread quickly. The family moved shortly there after.

I agree with @shimus if they would have been helped when they were younger would this still have happened?
Ok different strokes for different folks. Too much information that I did not need to know. What the heck was the girl thinking when she told her BF ? That he would cool with it ? Or maybe they could have some sort of group sex thing ? Twisted on so many levels.
I've lived in a country where beastiality is legal (Denmark, and I don't know why) and I just can't fathom or wrap my head around how people decide to suddenly engage in sexual activity with animals...
People know it's wrong and not normal, so the alarm bells went off when she had photos and showed them to her boyfriend. That she took photos and wanted to share them is equally as insane as the act itself. As for poor parenting, what was the father thinking? It seems that it wasn't a huge secret, but the help they need is not a jail sentence (although it is a crime) but mental help and counseling.
What the heck? The father knew THE WHOLE TIME yet he never reported her for animal cruelty? I mean, even if he didn't much care about animals, it would have helped him in his bid to get custody of her daughter. I just don't get why he wouldn't think the whole "bestiality thing" would be worth mentioning.
I have a hard time judging this woman because I don't know enough about her. There may be deeper mental issues that are causing her desire. It's difficult to wag my finger in the face of someone doing something I find disgusting unless I have the whole story behind it.
The woman clearly and badly needs to go to a rehabilitation center or a mental institution, because what she has done is so immoral and kind of insane. What kind of person who is in their right mind would think of having sex with dogs? She doesn't need jail, she needs counselling/mental support.
To be truthful, this is the grossest thing I have ever heard in my life. First off if you don't mind me asking, why in the heck would you have sex with a dog or any other animal for that fact? Also the woman can't have babies anyway because it's impossible for two different species to make kids. And if she was that desperate why didn't she go find herself a man? Good Lord.. Oh and, and waited for marraige??
This is disgusting. I do not under how a woman can even think about having see with the dog. It is just really sad and u feel it should be never done.