Woman Attacks Twin Sister Over Sex Toy


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A Florida woman was arrested over the weekend for assaulting her twin sister during a dispute over a vibrator and her boyfriend. Police say Heidi Creamer, 48, allegedly punched, kicked and scratched her sister Holly.

Responding police officers arrived to the scene and found Heidi locked outside of the Ellenton apartment she shares with her sister and boyfriend. She was pounding on the door, "screaming and her body was shaking," according to the arrest report.

Police say when they put Heidi in the patrol car she “began screaming that she was fighting with her sister Holly over a vibrator and her boyfriend.â€

A deputy noted the victim had blood on her face.

Heidi was charged with domestic battery and booked into Manatee County jail. Bond has yet to be set.



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Huh? I thought twins were close. And which is it? The vibrator or the boyfriend? LOL! You think maybe she got jealous because her sister has a boyfriend and she don't?
First of all who shares sex toys? Second why was she fighting over her sisters boyfriend? This story is just all sorts or crazy wrong! Weirdos to say the least!
LOL, indeed, this news was not clear, they could share eh, one took the vibrator and the other took the boyfriend haha... :D
If you are fighting with family, or better yet anyone, over a freaking vibrator just slap yourself because I can not describe just how thirsty that makes you. I'm also sorry for both sisters, Holly because she got jumped, and the Heidi because there is something seriously wrong this that woman. I am curious to know the whole story though of why exactly they were fighting over a vibrator and a boyfriend. This goes to show that sharing is not always the best thing.
This story really picked my interest, it's a shame there's no more development.
We just know it was about her boyfriend and a sex toy, but what happened?
This story is so confusing and yet so weird. Why would sisters be fighting over a sex toy unless it was hers and she found her sister using it with her boyfriend than that's just gross. This is just messed up all around lol
^ Ew, yeah, that’s pretty much the only reason I could see for that to turn into a knock-down drag-out fight. I hope that’s not the case, but it does makes sense. Even then, they each should have just gotten their own instead of resorting to assault.
This such a bizarre story! What exactly was she after; the vibrator, the boyfriend or both?! Maybe it's true what they say about twins, they literally share everything! This story is wrong on so many levels!
I'm sure there is more to the story, but either way, one should keep these arguments behind closed doors. It seems apparent one sister wanted to shame the other one. Either way, certain things should be kept private and this story is one of them. I am sure their parents are not happy about their behavior.
WoW. I'm stumped. I nominate these ladies for the biggest idiot of the day award. I'm quite sure they will win hands down! I've read more than my fair share of stories that involved two girls, a sex toy, and a man. None of them before this one ever ended up with one woman in jail and the other with a butt whoopin she didn't ask for. lol