Woman attacks police with crucifix??

Well, New York's not far from Boston, maybe it's the same woman who stole baby Jesus at Christmas, and replaced him with a pig's head? There are many mentally ill people running around these days.
Well, New York's not far from Boston, maybe it's the same woman who stole baby Jesus at Christmas, and replaced him with a pig's head? There are many mentally ill people running around these days.

In fact, 1 in 4 people has experienced mental illness at some point in their lives. So yes, there ARE many, many mentally ill people running about these days. The majority of them are not dangerous though. Whilst the woman in the story clearly is a risk, it's important to point out that not everyone who has experienced mental illness is a dangerous criminal.
Ever since The Exorcist people have been misinterpreting the way one should use a crucifix. Geez, if the officer were to defend him/herself from the crucifix is that some form of sacrilege?
I think crucifix should never be used for this purpose. It is not at all good for people and definitely not helpful. I believe it should not be done in anywhere.
I wish there was a link to the story. Maybe that was the first thing she could find to swing at them. LOL
She must be having an episode of mental illness during that time. Why would she swing a crucifix at the officers? I think that's already considered as blasphemy.
Well the story says she was trying to harm herself with razor blades and maybe all she had was the crucifix to use as a weapon. I should imagine they may drop the charges as they were responding to a call of domestic violence to help her, so she may have been traumatized. Perhaps arresting her made sure she didn't have to return to an abusive home? Sometimes they do this to help them to give them time to get advice on what to do next.
It's unclear whether it's the woman [or neighbors] who called the police officers to help her. When cops arrived she was threatening to slash herself with razor blades. Proves that she certainly was mentally unhinged and to think about self-mutilation, she has some serious issues. All she needs probably is a long talk with a shrink. But for her safety [and the safety of others], she should be sent to an asylum.
That was definitely not a healthy reaction on her part, even if she was just really mad and out of control, why attack the cop? There really seems to be a growing trend of disrespect towards officers when the civilians are having a bad day.
She may have been delusional, and not realized he was there to help her. I wish we could post links here, because reading the full story would be helpful. I'm glad some of you provided background information. At least in this instance, someone cared enough to call and try to get her some help.
Did this woman really steal baby jesus at Christmas ? Sick..!!
Is it ascertained that this was the woman or have they even cracked down on it or not.?
Pls provide a link to the story.I don't seem to find it with the keywords.
Well we don't really know why she did this or what she was thinking. Perhaps she has been subjected to abuse and this was her weapon of choice for protection. Anyone can lose their mind if they have been hit on the head enough times. I have to laugh at all the comments which make light of this, but I do feel sorry for her.