Will there ever be world peace?

World peace is only an illusion and a dream. As long as there are people in this world, it is unattainable. It is in the nature of man to wage war and to have conflict with each other. Despite the efforts of our world leaders, the best they can do is to solve immediate problems. Conflict is not just an immediate concern; it is the evil twin of humanity. The only perfect world is an empty world.
World peace can not be achieved. We are born with sin. Sin already inhabits the planet, so we are grown in it. Sin brings unrest. Unrest means no peace. People want what others have or they want others to do what they want. Force is used. No peace.
There will never be world peace. There are too many different types of people, with different upbringings that causes conflict. Religion, way of life, and political views affect each of us all differently. Also different cultures causes of to see things differently. I wish there could be peace but that's the way things are.
I believe everything about world peace depends upon the people. If people mentality change then there will be peace.
I firmly accept that world peace can never be achieved. For centuries this has been the biggest problem. How can we achieve peace when terrorist groups (present around the world) teach children to hate certain countries. At an early age these kids are taught things their parents believe, that everyone is an enemy, that this is how life should be. They grow up with this ideology pass it to future generation. It creates a never ending chain of hatred and war. Can't we all just forgive and learn from the mistakes of our forefathers?
In a word, "no". Even if everyone looked exactly the same and smelled the same, people would still find reason to differentiate themselves. And people would still covet what others had, whether that's land, resources or opportunities. It's human nature.
I believe everything about world peace depends upon the people. If people mentality change then there will be peace.
Unfortunately people do not want to have that mentality in this world. Look at how many world wars and other wars we have had over the years. There is not going to be world peace it just isn't happening even if there were a zombie apocalypse.