Why do cops go rogue?


Well-Known Member
I have seen on news channels cases of good cop going bad.This could happen when a cop with a distinguished record all over sudden commits a crime and instead of turning himself in,decides to evade justice resulting in an arrest warrant being issued with a note claiming he's armed and dangerous.What do you think makes cop decide to dishonor his badge and go rogue?
There are so many reasons why this could happen. Issues with stress or mental illness could cause a cop to go off the rails. Alternatively, it may be that they have become really disenchanted with their job and just crack. Either way, it's a shame that nobody picks up on their issues in time. I imagine that it must be particularly difficult for a cop to admit they cannot cope so I suspect a lot of their problems with stress go unresolved.
I believe that cops go rogue just to show that they are quite strict and definitely not the kind who would play around with people. I do not think there is any other reason for it.
It depends on what you mean by going rogue. Do you mean that they are taking the law into their own hands or do you mean that they have just turned back such as selling drugs themselves? I think its fairly obvious why some cops go both ways. Cops who go rogue and take the law into their own hands are probably tired of being "handicapped" by it or they see people that they know will got off the hook despite being guilty. Cops who just go bad are like anyone else. They get fed up with the system or they get greedy and try to make some easy money doing things that are illegal.
I have seen on news channels cases of good cop going bad.This could happen when a cop with a distinguished record all over sudden commits a crime and instead of turning himself in,decides to evade justice resulting in an arrest warrant being issued with a note claiming he's armed and dangerous.What do you think makes cop decide to dishonor his badge and go rogue?
I remembered hearing something on the news like a couple years ago with this one cop in Florida had a outstanding record. He even got a humanitarian award. He was arrested for wrongfully citing people.
Police or Law Enforcement in general, is held at such a high standard that anything less than that is unacceptable. And it's sort of unfair to them because they're humans subject to mistakes. But the their jobs really don't allow for mistakes because people get killed when things go wrong. With all the stress and pressure of this job, you have be a special kind of person to be an exceptional LEO.
Police or Law Enforcement in general, is held at such a high standard that anything less than that is unacceptable. And it's sort of unfair to them because they're humans subject to mistakes. But the their jobs really don't allow for mistakes because people get killed when things go wrong. With all the stress and pressure of this job, you have be a special kind of person to be an exceptional LEO.

I think you're talking about doctors, here.
Because we can talk all we want about the "very high standard" to which cops are held, but most people still come up with "they are only humans, give them some slack". Whereas with doctors, the possibility that they make the tiniest of mistake means that the hospital gets sued and people want the doctor fired. Cops get it easier than this, and they get the hate because some of their "mistakes" are made knowingly/intentionally.

But to answer the first question... Why do they go rogue... Well, why does anyone go rogue? Probably because something made them snap. I don't think anyone can generalize as to what that thing is.
Stress or depression, that would be one reason why cops may decide to break the law then decide not turn themselves in. If someone has or feels like they have nothing to live the odds of them doing something they may regret but will not admit was wrong are rather high. In some countries where cops can do drugs with abandon, the long-term effects of the drugs can make them snap.
I think many people in high stress jobs experience burn out, and to a lesser extent, nervous breakdowns. You'll find many people in high stress jobs with high safety risks (and especially if there's also not enough pay) will become disillusioned and permanently frustrated with life-in-general after a while. A small number of those people will keep pushing and pushing themselves at work or start self-medicating with drugs until they just lose it one day.

It's sad, really, that cops have to "worry" about having to see a shrink because then they might have to take mandatory time off work. There should be therapists ready to talk to officers in a confidential environment readily available to these people.
Police are human beings like everyone else. And although there are a lot of decent ones, a few rogue ones slip through the net. That's natural. They weren't born saints. Circumstances and pressure may also get to them.
it often relates to an instance where they are in a situation to show off their potent and their power over the ones that put them to a hassle. Sometimes wielding too much power can actually result in a mess, and it does happen often.
I believe stress and depression are probably two of the biggest factors. Having to constantly put your life at risk, and witnessing violent crimes or injustice being meted out by colleagues and criminals alike can take its toll on one's psyche.
The fact is that life change us. It can be a life changing event or some might get sick and tired of the job and they start thinking only about themselves, quite a few things can happen really.
Same reason people in the Military do it, because it is a mentally and physically straining job. That is why you have to go through a psych test before getting accepted. That and I think the power gets to them, but most are good and loyal Police Officers, you really don't see a lot of them going rogue.
Same reason people in the Military do it, because it is a mentally and physically straining job. That is why you have to go through a psych test before getting accepted. That and I think the power gets to them, but most are good and loyal Police Officers, you really don't see a lot of them going rogue.

This. They just break under seeing too much death and dismay. People are not meant to be exposed to it; that's why there are so few hardened survivors. The long term mental break downs can cripple careers too.

This is what it boils down. And that how nut these rogues are. And if they're being classifieds too. Rogues aren't Vigilantes.
Police are human beings like everyone else. And although there are a lot of decent ones, a few rogue ones slip through the net. That's natural. They weren't born saints. Circumstances and pressure may also get to them.
The whole world is not saints and with the bad cops around it does not make matters better. Good cops are never rewarded as well as they should be. Bad cop behavior is there all over the world.
I believe cops go rogue because a lot of people will not listen to them otherwise. I do not think it is quite easy for people to take the heed from someone else unless it is forced upon them.