Who Loves Comic Books?


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Then I suppose there is one comic book you haven't seen yet. The Comic book is titled Barack The Barbarian. Just stumbled into it on Wikipedia.
Barack the Barbarian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barack the Barbarian is a comic book series published by Devil's Due Publishing beginning in June 2009. It was written by Larry Hama,[1] with art by Christopher Schons.
The story features the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama as a Conan the Barbarian-style figure.[2] It also features politicians like Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, and Dick Cheney in fictional roles.
Sounds like comic book lovers didn't miss out on much!
I do, I generally really love reading especially comics.
Haha, that title made me laugh off to wikipedia to read about it. :)
I bought one comic book in my life and it was somewhat interesting to read but I would have a difficult time reading them very often. Maybe every now and then but not like a lot of people. I'd rather be reading books or watching movies. :)
Comic books present a story in the art style of its artist and are a direct collaboration between art and literature.It has nothing to do with intelligence or "coolness" and all to do with the unique experience of visually experiencing a story on paper.
I am 41, and I still read comic books occasionally. I have been reading them since I have been able to read. I mainly like Marvel superhero books. I really dislike the graphic novel formats that replaced traditional comics in the 90s, although I will still read them once in awhile. I generally read the .cbr versions on my computer, of the classic books.
I totally love comic book and I believe they are totally worth it. I have spent my entire childhood reading these beautiful books.
I really love them, but I don't read them that much anymore, because I don't think the price is fair for such little amount of content. I usually buy the annuals and read them, or I read the comics which are given out for free online.