Who indeed?

I wanted to in the past, but the passion for writing and technology got the best of me and I am now a freelance writer and work at a very big IT company in my country.
Life is good!
It's always been a tough job. The issue is that cameras are everywhere now. When CCTV was first installed the videos flooded all media. It's the same with these body cams & with people & their cell phone. However, in the states there are more videos involving shootings which makes it a number one news story for most stations. A celebrity dying is probably the only thing that can beat it.
I wouldn't fancy being a cop at all. It's a thankless task and I'm not surprised that recent incidents are discouraging even more people from joining. I think that in order for the number of applications to increase, more needs to be done to regain the public trust and make the police seem like a reputable organization to join.
I don't think I'm suitable for this demanding job. A police officer must be physically strong, emotionally and mentally stable. As for me, I am not physically strong because I'm a bit of a weakling. I couldn't even be good in any kind of sport; I'm a little bit clumsy too. I am also not emotionally and mentally stable, I am highly empathic and get depressed a lot. I don't think I'll be able to pull off being a cop.
The media has tainted the image of the police and I suppose that in time there'll be fewer people willing to join the police force. Why would anyone want to be a cop when they know that someone may try to kill them as vengeance for something they didn't do? Only police reforms will restore some trust the police have lost and maybe then, young people might once again be interested in serving their communities as cops.
I wouldn't want to be a policeman either. As dangerous as the job is, it's also still about perception. People are mostly drawn to the negative and corrupt things that happen on the police force. Once the bad publicity eases down, there may be more interest in becoming a police.
There was a time when I wanted to be a police officer but most of the men in my family who are in the service are in the navy or army. I'm still hoping that the bad apples in the police will simply rot away leaving the good ones behind to train those that will take their place.