What's on your Christmas Wish List?


Well-Known Member
I'm so picky, I never know what to tell family/friends what I want for Christmas. The items that I really want and need are too expensive to ask someone to get me, so I end up getting them for myself later on.

I really love shopping, but I want to pick items out myself because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if they don't see me wearing/using whatever they got me. Usually, I have to end up showing specific items that I like, so I'm not usually very surprised.

My husband always seems to know me better than I know myself and surprises me every year. He's a keeper!

This year, I want some new boots and a new coat, but again - I feel like I have to pick them out. I'm beginning to feel a little bit like a control freak. Lol

The bigger items I want are a new laptop and phone - again, something nobody is going to offer up. Gift cards are always nice!

What items are on your wish list? Do you think you'll get them?


My main thing is a new computer. 8 core processors, radion graphics card, it is called the shockwave 2. It really could do a lot for me, and I seriously hope I get it. It is amazing.*

Other things include, a hanweii naginata, dayz stand alone, and the new pokemon game.


Well-Known Member
A new computer so I can get around to playing some of the newer, more graphically demanding games :)


Well-Known Member
As I currently have everything "material" I need, I think I'm going to ask "Santa" for the World of Warcraft expansion pack. I have been taking a break for about half a year from WoW now, and after I'm done with the exams, on 15 december, I'm gonna re-subscribe to it.


Active Member
I've wanted a new laptop for a while now since my current one is ready to die any moment, but I'm not sure if I'll get one for the holidays or not. I'll grab it myself if all else fails so it isn't a big deal to me.

I really don't ask for or drop hints on things I want for Christmas, I just like seeing what people get me and I actually haven't ever gotten something I'm disappointed in. I appreciate the thought and put whatever it is to as best a use as a I can. Plus, people know me well enough to give me things that suit my interests so I'm not ever put into a position where I'm faced with something I don't like or have no use for.


For Christmas this year, I wouldn't mind trying to give back instead of getting... I've never really had the time or money to ever do much stuff for everyone else but now that I am doing better and also was able to recently get myself a new laptop (thanks to my awesome grandma) which is what I really needed. Hence why I think I'll try to do something for someone else this year.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't know. I am not picky at all. I will be happy with anything that is useful and not going to take up space and sit around.


Well-Known Member
Actually nothing, at the moment I am not needing anything, so I am just wishing health and happiness. :)


Well-Known Member
This Christmas i hope to get for myself a new pair of shoes and probably a tuxedo.I also plan to buy for my kids some great toys and a set of clothes that they have been yearning for.As for my wife, she's a sucker for perfumes so i plan to get her one of those designer perfumes with an exotic smell.


Well-Known Member
A new phone..a new laptop..an all new life maybe..:p
This year has been very bad for me especially.I would love to start afresh.


Well-Known Member
My Christmas wishlist is to get an iron very soon. I have been wanting to buy it from a very long time but never been able to buy it. I hope somebody will give it to me soon enough.*


Well-Known Member
Sigh, I can't believe I'm saying this, but a new laptop. I looked up the specs for this one I have right now, and they were pretty good. Unfortunately, after only 2 years of use (and believe me, I take great care of my electronics) it's already falling apart and always overheating. I think that technology just gets exponentially better every year, and it's difficult to catch up.


For Christmas, I would like to a new car since I've had my car for over 8 years now. It would be nice to get a new car (no worries if don't though, I almost have enough for my "dream" car).