What Suspicion Do you Need to Search a Vehicle?

Under what type of suspicion do you legally need in order to search a vehicle? When you stop someone for a traffic violation, do you have a right to accuse them of being suspicious and searching their vehicle for something you think they MAY have? I was always curious on this but didn't know what a person's rights were on this topic.
The Fourth Amendment doesn't protect all people always from searches & seizures, clearly. It protects the public against unreasonable searches and seizures. Who is it that determines if the search is reasonable? The Judge based on sworn statements of the officer or agent. If the officer or agent is acting in the field without said warrant the officer makes the determination as to whether conducting a search is reasonable which later will be reviewed by a Judge. Same situation when determining whether probable cause is there. Probable cause can be determined prior to the search by a Judge when seeking a warrant or determined in the field by an officer. What constitutes probable cause? Basically it just means reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime.
It could be drugs if they smell them in the vehicle or alcohol. Searches can be made if there is an amber alert for a missing child and if you have nothing to hide why deny a search? When there are terror threats I think we are all glad the police are checking vehicles, especially with car bombs and suicide bombers.
Though cops have permission for random check,they just can't frisk away a person or use force or insult while conducting a check.We should be given our right to privacy.I would say they need to stay within their limit while randomly checking up a person/vehicle.