What is the weirdest or funniest thing you've seen somebody do while driving?

Saw a guy pull up next to me at a light. He just stared at me so I stared back. Then he looks away, knowing that I am still looking at him, and proceeds to pick his nose.
Cutting their nails while the lights were red and sometimes changing clothes when the signal was RED because they were late for office..maybe..?..Some even have sex inside their car..not exactly but a hot kiss,i haven't see it :P,but have heard of it.
I know a truck driver that uses the computer while he's driving, chats and even does webradio shows sometimes.
I saw this guy who looked like he was a beginner to smoking cigarettes, he accidentally tapped the ash into his own hand.
I seen two elderly ladies driving down the road trying to turn into Hardees. The problem was they had come a long way on the wrong side of the road.
I love to see people forget their windows are down at a stop light and they are singing to the top of their lungs along to some song. I always roll mine down and sing along LoL.
One day I saw a girl very sexy, she was changing clothes and saw her in underwear. I was much surprised when I saw her, but she did not care nothing.
Seen a lady trying to urinate in a bottle, because there was a traffic jam and she could not wait, so she tried to make it in the bottle.
hm, it isn't really weird but this one girl was trying to dance to single ladies by Beyonce. I just found it very funny because she was looking at me and all the other people but she still did her own thing. lol
I remember one time when I was on the freeway, I noticed that the person in front of me was driving kind of erratically at times. Now, it was like 8:30 Am, so I figured that there was no way that they were drunk. So I got in the fast lane and sped up beside them. As I took a look into their car, I saw that the driver was a young lady who amongst doing other things which I couldn't really identify, she was brushing her teeth. I couldn't believe it. Some people just don't realize how dangerous driving distracted can be.
I will never forget seeing a very young woman crying very hard as she drove her car out of a restaurant. It is several years back but I still wonder what could have hurt her so deeply. I just hope that she got home safely because it must have been next to impossible to see the road ahead while she was crying that hard.
I saw somebody playing a gameboy. This was recent, in the year 2014, playing a vintage 90's era gameboy. Steering with their forearms, both hands on the device. Geesh!
I saw this guy who looked like he was a beginner to smoking cigarettes, he accidentally tapped the ash into his own hand.

Lol that isn't a beginner that is more like "Oh man I have nothing to ash into" Probably thought it was littering if he ashed out the window.
I don't know how to drive, so I always ride shotgun. The weirdest thing I have seen can't be described here at all because I do not want to be warned. The second weirdest thing I have seen is a lady doing her make up whenever the light is red. I think we were both going to the same direction for quite some time, and every time there was a red light, she would do her make up. Being a girl, I know how difficult could that be! Imagine applying lipstick and eyebrow liner while driving. She must have been really desperate.