What is the weirdest fact you know?


Well-Known Member
"If you put your finger in your ear and scratch, it sounds just like Pac-Man."

Lego is the worlds largest producer of tires.

There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world

Wells Fargo operates the only ATM in Antarctica.

Colorado’s 420 mile marker has been replaced with a 419.99 sign because people stole the 420 marker so often.

John McAfee does not use his own antivirus program on his computers, as it’s “too annoying.â€
In 2008, there was a Japanese man who noticed his food going missing, so he set up a webcam and found out that a woman had been living in his closet for a year.
- What's the longest National Anthem? Greece takes the prize. Their national anthem has 158 verses or is it stanzas?

- The shortest national anthem is the Japanese National Anthem. It's composed of only 32 Japanese alphabetical characters.

- Honey doesn't spoil. You can store it for centuries if you please.
Sweat has no smell. What you are really smelling is bacteria poop. Bacteria likes eating sweat.
heard it today.in a subscribed page.
Oh my, I know so many useless facts and none come to mind other than what I just read, that BC has the largest bear (or black bear?) population in the world. We're planning to move there so it's one of the freshest facts on my list lol. It may not even be true, it's just the last thing I read.
During the days of witchcraft women, and men that were thought to be witches would be buried upset down when they died. This was to prevent them from clawing their way out of the grave. Instead as they clawed they would be going deeper into the ground instead of reaching the surface of the grave.
If you pull the tail off a lizard it will just grow back

If you eat a ants butt, you get a lot of good nutrients and vitamins

If you ever are dehydrated a day without water, you are suppose to drink your morning pee. You typically lose all your nutrients when you first pee so you drink that and you'll be set.
The stickers on produce are edible. Are they delicious? No. Do they still taste like a sticker? Yes. Are they edible? Absolutely.
Not a fact per se, but I was browsing a thesaurus and an unabridged dictionary for writing assignment purposes earlier, and I ran across this word:

gaposis (n) Informal. 1. a noticeable gap or series of gaps between buttoned buttons or closed snaps on a garment when worn, as when the fabric is stretched out of shape around the fasteners. 2. the condition of having such gaps.

Did not know there was a word for this phenomenon, haha!
If you pull the tail off a lizard it will just grow back

If you eat a ants butt, you get a lot of good nutrients and vitamins

If you ever are dehydrated a day without water, you are suppose to drink your morning pee. You typically lose all your nutrients when you first pee so you drink that and you'll be set.

Now thats real weird.
Wat makes is interesting is the tenacity with which you just stated it..:P
Ant's butt.?? Lolz..I swear i only had a good laugh than a thought on it.