What is the Retirement Age Regulations in your area.


I read a few weeks ago that there is talk of Changing the retirement age of Federal Law Enforcement workers. I am hoping that states don't follow suite. Not sure I would want someone who is 70 years old out there protecting me. Nothing against a 75 year old, just want someone with quicker reactions.


There are many factors to take into account. I am sure that there are 70 year olds that would be able to handle many of the office positions as well as anyone. With California Highway Patrol the earliest a officer can retire is age 50 and mandatory at age 60. Retirement benefits are tied to number of years worked and of course rank.


Staff member
I am pretty sure the requirement age that was being discussed for Federal Law Enforcement was 62, maybe 63.
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New Member
In NJ you can retire at any age as long as you have 25 years in. Most retire anywhere from there late 40's to early 50's. The chiefs will usually stay a little longer.