What is the legal age that a child can ride in the front seat?


Active Member
My daughter's father keeps showing up from his visitation time with our 5 year old with her riding in the front seat of his car or van when there is a completely empty back seat for her to be in. I am very concerned for her safety and have asked repeatedly for him to stop putting her in the front seat. He says its not against the law so she will ride up front. I was wondering what the laws were regarding this.
I'm pretty sure that's illegal in most states. There is usually an age & weight restriction involved, and I think it's not even close to 5 years old. I'm thinking 12 or so, plus a specific weight, if I remember correctly.
In most states children under thirteen are prohibited to seat in front of the car, as a safety precaution this law is implemented in most states. However the action taken to ensure this is vague and most citizens dont even know this. However if by some chance you found out that your ex boyfriend was driving a car with your daughters in it and he is driving while intoxicated you can file a complaint under child endangerment law.
I do not know about the law, but I remember shortly after the invention of airbags the recommendation was 12 years old before sitting in the front seat. The reason being that some children's bodies may not be able to withstand the deployment of the airbag at a younger age. You can probably google this information and print it off for him so he knows why it is important for her to sit in the back until she is older.
Not too sure about the laws, but if you absolutely must place your child in the front seat, have an appropriate front facing (NOT back facing) child seat, and even then I would only consider if the child were say 8 years old and above with appropriate restraints.
I think that the kid has to be 12, but there is also a minimum height, I think it's 1meter and 20 centimeters.
I believe it is indeed 12 years of age and 100 pounds. I'm not sure about the height requirement, but I do remember those two things. I think that's pretty old, I think 10 would be just fine, but the law is the law.
It is the law in most states that children under 12 must be seated in the back seat not the front. I know the main reason I have heard stated is that the air bags in almost every car now can kill a small child on opening and deploying. I would go ask an officer for the exact law in your state. They won't mind helping you out at all since a child is involved trust me.
It's really scary to think about a small child feeling the impact of one of those. Depending on the size of the child I'd say even a 12 year old would still be too small.