What is the hardest part of your shift/job?


Well-Known Member
What is the most difficult aspect of the work you do? For me, as a civilian, I think the danger would distract me, but for officers that are seasoned, I don't think this weighs heavily on their minds. Perhaps it is at the end of the day you must weigh out if you made the right choices, and if the choices you did make will effect people now or in the future? Of course this is conjecture on my part. I would like firsthand views on this matter. Thank you.
The hardest part for a police officer is when he is dealing with a civilian who has clearly violated a regulation or a law and you are now about to make an arrest but then he decides to name drop some big ass politician or better yet your chief of police and saying he knows powerful people who can make my life shit if I'm going to arrest him. Can't we just perform our job without being blackmailed or something?
The hardest part for a police officer is when he is dealing with a civilian who has clearly violated a regulation or a law and you are now about to make an arrest but then he decides to name drop some big ass politician or better yet your chief of police and saying he knows powerful people who can make my life shit if I'm going to arrest him. Can't we just perform our job without being blackmailed or something?

I have seen this kind of behavior on scripted TV, but had no idea it actually happens in real life. I would not take kindly to those threats. What did you feel like? What did you say back? I personally would have said, "I am doing my job, and you broke the law. Talk to whoever you want to". This doesn't necessarily mean you aren't going to suffer in the end, but at least you know you did it by the book.
I am curious to know if the name dropping even works. Personally, I wouldn't care who they knew. You have to do what is best to serve the community. That is what you were trained for. I think name dropping should make it worse on them, not better. In most cases the person they name drop would not condone their behavior anyway.
The hardest part for a police officer is when he is dealing with a civilian who has clearly violated a regulation or a law and you are now about to make an arrest but then he decides to name drop some big ass politician or better yet your chief of police and saying he knows powerful people who can make my life shit if I'm going to arrest him. Can't we just perform our job without being blackmailed or something?

That has to be hard, I cannot imagine being there and them to be like, "I know Sherrif insertnamehere, and Barrack Obama is on my speed-dial list, if you arrest me I am going to bankrupt you and etc, etc.". I am not sure how you would handle that... I would personally just be like stepping over their words and constantly being like, "sir you have the right to remain silent do you understand your rights? do you understand your rights, yes i get you know those people, but do you understand your rights?"
I believe that the hardest part of the job is to work at night shifts especially when you have to patrol the streets. The streets can be really lonely at night which can make your job even more boring and difficult. Also, It is really difficult to fight off sleepiness and work at night.*