What is the first thing you do in the morning?


Active Member
The first thing i do when i wake up is to pick up the remote and switch on the telly and then go make some coffee. Afterwards i just pick up my laptop and begin work.
Depends, I usually just turn on my PC, and have a quick shower. After that I brush my teeth, turn the kettle on and then start doing some stuff on my PC.
Depends on the time I went to sleep. I could be sleeping, on my PC, exercising, making breakfast, watching TV, or waking up. You can't exclude waking up from being a "thing", it's undeniably the first thing you do in the morning after sleeping that night.
It is mandatory for me to do yoga to keep myself fit.I then get myself some coffee and start off for training badminton.After that i start off for my intern.I haven't been to real "work" as yet,but when i do that will come up first.
I usually just check my phone and then head into the kitchen to take my supplements and make breakfast.
Usually take a piss and then brush my teeth all the while thinking what cereal I am going to eat for the day.
The first thing that i do is brush my teeth and wash my face. I don't know why but I have to have clean teeth when I first wake up. It just bothers me.
I take a bath, drink a coffee, eat something when I'm hungry and turn on my computer so I can do some work. I usually go to supermarket afterwards, I prefer to buy things everyday rather than buying everything I'll need for a whole week on the weekend.
hook my battery into my Vape from it's charger and take a few puffs. I am not all the way off nicotine yet, but I am pretty close and getting closer everyday. I thought I would miss that first morning cig but so nfar no. It has helped me slowly break that habit and I feel so much better because of it. No more hacking cough in the mornings, no more nasty smell or taste, and best of all no huge cig bill every week.
The very first thing I do in the morning is power on my Xbox 360. I always turn my Xbox on to entertain myself while I'm getting ready for work. After that I usually eat a nice breakfast and proceed to take a shower. Of course after my shower I get dressed, and then I may play a game on my console until I get ready to leave.
Yawn, scratch my nether regions, check if the spouse would be in the mood for some 'morning exercises' and if not get online and see what the world has been doing while I was asleep.:D
I do a little exercise, then I drink coffee, I take a shower, take breakfast, then I start to work with my computer. Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday I'm going to College to study my computer.
The first thing i do when i wake up is to pick up the remote and switch on the telly and then go make some coffee. Afterwards i just pick up my laptop and begin work.

Somehow, over the years, I've managed to develop some pretty bad habits. The first thing that I do when I wake up is to empty the ole' bladder. Then I make coffee and smoke a stick or two. It tells you a lot about me, especially since I have been smoking for 10 years.

Anyway, I have been trying to quit and altering the morning habits is the hardest part. My most common rationale is that I know plenty of people who do not smoke and they seem to die younger than the smokers. Of course, this is a logical fallacy that I have probably concocted since we all know that smoking eventually leads to cancer. But then again, it may be a truism for some reason or another.
I head for the toilet and then I make coffee. I have a quiet time and then a shower before I begin working for the day.