What is morality?


Well-Known Member
Is morality doing something for your own preservation or for the society? Is it a set of rules governed by only one set of people, or something every individual can have a say about?
Morality is one's perception of what is good. Thus, what is moral for you may not be moral for others. It's a very subjective word.
Only few people are bound by morality. And @hela is right. Morality is very subjective and may differ individually.
When it comes to the issue of morality i will say that it more or less deals with what society in general take to be right and so going against such value systems may then be considered to be wrong or immoral by society standards.
Весаusе mоrаlіtу саnnоt bе оbјесtіvеlу mеаsurеd. Іt іs а fісtіtіоus соnstruсt оf thе humаn mіnd. Іt dоеs nоt ехіst оutsіdе оf us. Іt's еntіrеlу rеlаtіvе аnd thеrеfоrе nоbоdу саn bе mоrе оr lеss соrrесt аbоut thе mоrаls thеу hоld thаn аnуbоdу еlsе. То mеаsurе mоrаlіtу wоuld bе tо аssumе/іmрlу thаt thе реrsоnаl, subјесtіvе stаndаrds bу whісh уоu'rе mеаsurіng sаіd mоrаlіtу аrе thе соrrесt stаndаrds аnd thеrеfоrе thаt уоur mоrаlіtу іs thе соrrесt mоrаlіtу, whісh іs sіmрlу еgосеntrіс nоnsеnsе.

Меаsurіng mоrаlіtу іs lіkе trуіng tо mеаsurе whаt thе bеst соlоur (mоst mоrаl) іs. Lеt's sау уоur fаvоurіtе соlоur іs ріnk, sо уоur sсаlе rаtеs соlоurs hіghеr thе сlоsеr thеу gеt tо ріnk. Yоu fіnd sоmеоnе whо's fаvоurіtе соlоur іs bluе, аnd уоu dеtеrmіnе thаt bluе іs а bаd соlоur bесаusе іt's nоt сlоsе tо ріnk. Yоu thеn dеtеrmіnе thаt thіs реrsоn must bе соlоurblіnd (іmmоrаl оr аmоrаl) tо lіkе bluе.
Morality is values and principles of one's conduct as it pertains to Society. I believe high moral values are great as long as we realize people are imperfect, and with that comes mistakes that directly affects what Society thinks of you. We're going to say, think and do wrongs things the rest of our lives but there still has to be accountability.
I guess that morality is doing the right thing regardless if someone sees you or not. I get surprised that majority of people will only do a good thing if they have something to gain out of it. It is more satisfying to do the moral thing because your conscience will be clear at the end of the day.
Morales lie on your own conscience, if you think something is right or wrong it is up to you.
Morality is the ability to distinguish the difference between right and wrong. But emotions can interfere with that. As for instance, how people expect truth about themselves or something they don't know to ever be spoken. In other words, morality is often misconstrued as censorship, which leads to societies that forces the support of weaknesses. The weak dominates and rules the strong, and the strong are forced to support the weak. This is considered by many to be morality but it's not.
I personally don't think it's all that subjective. Knowing what the right thing to do is easy. That does not mean the legal thing to do, but the right and just and ethical thing to do. Saying it's based on your own mind and decisions seems like a great way for serial killers to justify their actions. Fundamentally I think we know what is moral and what is not.
Morality is doing what is right even when it is the hardest thing to do. Deep down a person knows what is right and what is wrong. Unless you are a sociopath you have no excuse not knowing the difference. The best way I can think to put it is morality is doing the right thing when no one is watching and there is nothing in it for you at all. Many people are immoral and sit on a high horse as they say doing only what is right for themselves and in their best interest.
Is morality doing something for your own preservation or for the society? Is it a set of rules governed by only one set of people, or something every individual can have a say about?
The textbook definition would be that they are principles concerning the difference between right and wrong, or good and bad behavior. Now, if your asking about our own moralities as a whole that would be more difficult to explain. Everyone has different ways of thinking, so from one person to another, one's morality isn't always the same. I suppose depending on you mindset, what background you come from and how you were taught in your earlier years determine the views of how some one would see good and bad or right and wrong.
It's extremely subjective. I don't like that "society" dictates what I should feel or do based on what they all agree on. I am not them and vice versa. Then you bring in religion and there's even more rules we "should" all be following and nobody agrees on anything so it gets confusing lol. We know right from wrong.. we need nothing but our own brains to guide us.
I believe morality is a purely personal code that someone lives by, that also dictates their standards for what other people shod live.

For example:
it could be against my morals to eat pizza. I consider it immoral for ANYONE to do it. I believe anyone who eats pizza is immoral. If they don't I may call them immoral.

In regards to morals, everybody has them. But it's up to the individual to decide if they have the right to try to impose them on other people. That's actually why there is so much debate in politics.
Morality is defined differently by each individual person and it is also dependent on their culture. For Muslims, it is immoral for a female to walk around in public uncovered, when I would consider it completely normal. Each culture has its own rules about morality. It is what we believe to be good and bad.
In a nutshell, morality is the human attempt to define what's right and wrong about our actions and thoughts, and what is good and bad about our being who we are. It's also subjective, but it all comes down to right and wrong.