What helps you sleep at night?


Well-Known Member
Growing up, my mom used to sleep with the hairdryer on in her bed. I never understood it and told her it was dangerous.

Once I grew up and had a family of my own, I noticed I would have trouble falling asleep a lot of nights. My mind would wander and I'd start thinking about anything and everything. Also, every little sound would have me up "investigating." (Truthfully, it would have me waking my husband up to investigate. Lol)

One day, I decided to get a box fan. It was just what I needed. I needed some kind of background noise, and now I sleep like a baby. The TV wouldn't cut it, it would wake me up. Now, when/if my fan stops working - I have to get a new one. Guess I rely on it pretty heavily now. ;) I don't know how people have it completely silent when they fall asleep.

What things help you fall asleep?
I usually sleep pretty fast after going to bed. I make it a point not to eat any supper, or to do anything that stimulates your mind (like reading, watching TV, playing games), as it makes it harder for your mind to get back into a relaxed state quickly.
Maybe it's not the best thing for your health but a glass of wine tends to go a long way! Not too much as it can give you a really bad night's sleep. But in moderation it can do a good job for me.
I have a family and I work. At the end of the day I am exhausted. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Before I had a family and not as tired I would stay up late watching T.V. at night. I enjoyed some of the programming that was only shown late at night. I liked to read a good book before going to sleep. There was a time I would just surf the internet for hours and hours to help me fall asleep.
I don't usually surf the internet or watch TV before bed. I'll just lay there - and if the fan isn't on, I'll be laying there for hours. It's ridiculous. I am usually pretty warn out by the end of the day, but my mind just tries to keep going.
There are times when I can't sleep at night. What I do is I make myself a hot glass of milk and light some scented candles afterwards. Or if I'm really stressed out from work I go to a massage salon since they are open until midnight. Perfect for working people who get out from work late and need some soothing massage to help them relax.
Having a reliable sleep cycle helps. I always try to go to sleep at the same time every day. I also sleep better in a cold room, so maybe chilling a room could help.
I like to listen to my audio Bible or sermons by a pastor I like. I usually only hear about 10-15 minutes of it before I go to sleep, but the steady sound of someones voice on my ipod really helps cover some of those noises that hinder sleep and listening to something also keeps my mind from wandering and being too active which also helps me fall asleep faster.
Well my sleeping problem started as a joke and it ended up being insomnia, I can not sleep at all without medication, I can even go for a month without any sleep but I am normally exhausted , but I can not sleep , it is very frustrating, when everyone around you is asleep, the night is quiet yet you can not even dose off, so my doctor prescribed medicine for me, once I take it I fall asleep in fifteen minutes.
I like to listen to my audio Bible or sermons by a pastor I like. I usually only hear about 10-15 minutes of it before I go to sleep, but the steady sound of someones voice on my ipod really helps cover some of those noises that hinder sleep and listening to something also keeps my mind from wandering and being too active which also helps me fall asleep faster.

When a fan alone just won't do - I also turn on my audio Bible. You're right - the steady sound of someone's voice does help. Sometimes, my audio Bible likes to be a little animated and use different noises and voices, which kind of wakes me up a little. Lol. I don't know to pick the one I want. There is the animated one(wakes me up), and there's one that just has soft music playing in the background.
I usually watch YouTube videos or read before falling asleep. I know you're not supposed to use a screen or bright light before going to sleep, but it puts me right out.
I think hat best thing that helps me to sleep at night is listening to soft music while going off to sleep. I think it ia always good to have something to do before going to sleep, which helps you to get a deep sleep that you would not get otherwise.
I know a lot of people (including myself) that "need" the sound of the box fan to sleep. For me, it drowns out any other noise and makes me feel more isolated. That helps me sleep. I use them year around, and have even taken them on vacations with me to use in hotels!
When I can't sleep, I read. I frequently adopt a pose where I hold up my book and read while lying down. After a while, I start reading the same sentence over and over again and I drop the book. That usually gets me sleepy enough. If not, a glass of milk or just letting my mind wander helps as well.
I don't have a special method of going to sleep, because I struggle with it too. I should find one, however, because lately I haven't been sleeping enough, because once I get into bed I think about stupid things instead of sleeping.
I usually leave my stereo on with the sound barely audible.I listen to smooth,relaxing jazz music until i nod off.What i can't stand is sleeping with the lights on and sometimes we have fights with my wife over this when she insists on reading by the bedside lamp.
I have an off night now and again. Like when the moon is full and the extra light bothers me. Or in the summertime when maybe I'm not quite cool enough. Most nights, though, I sleep very well. My husband, however does not sleep well at all. Which means that I often end up in our spare room because he keeps waking me up, which drives him crazy. He then says he can't sleep without me. I say he can't sleep period. And if he wants me to be in a good mood in the morning he'd better let me get my rest any way I can.
You're not supposed to look at any lights at least for 90 minutes before you sleep. That is the most optimal way to approach your nightly rest. Though, with all the technology and the unseeingly spare time that people are getting, people are finding it harder and harder to not face an electronic screen at night.
I'd find it rather hard to not look at any lights for ninety minutes before going to bed, but it is for certain that light disrupts my sleep. I keep the room I sleep in as dark as I can get it. Which is pretty dark out here in the country when the moon isn't huge. I do,however, tend to look at my laptop or read from my tablet a lot before I lay down. Still, if I am undisturbed I will sleep the night through quite well.
I live in an apartment that has thin walls. My neighbor likes banging around her place. The only thing that allows me to fall asleep is playing soothing music on the radio. I have discovered a Somali station that plays music without interruption. I usually switch off the radio in the middle of the night. From then on I keep waking up until morning. I do not mind by then because I have had adequate sleep.