What does the average cop think about the "bad cops" in the news?


New Member
I have been wondering this for awhile. What do the average or "good cops" think about all of the "bad cops" in the news who have beaten people, shot and killed innocent people, etc. I don't want to stir up trouble and I am in no way assuming that every cop in the news is "bad". I know that many of them were just doing their job and trying to keep them, their fellow officers, and citizens safe. But, we also cannot deny that cops are human and some of them abuse their authority and misuse their weapons. So, what do you think?
The good ones feel differently to why these rotten eggs are spoiling the name of the entire cop force.I can only talk from a normal human's perspective and that is this.
Maybe a real "good" cop here can answer this better..:P
This is a great question really, I think that any good cop feels that the good name of the class is dishonored by the bad cops, but this happens in any area of activity.
I have been wondering this for awhile. What do the average or "good cops" think about all of the "bad cops" in the news who have beaten people, shot and killed innocent people, etc. I don't want to stir up trouble and I am in no way assuming that every cop in the news is "bad".

I'd have to think that the answer to this is that officers who do their job well feel about the few bad situations the same way that good doctors think about the bad doctors who give someone the wrong medication that turns deadly or cuts the wrong artery in surgery. Or the way military families feel about the soldiers who do things to end up in the news.

There's not *any* profession that doesn't have this issue but because of the way media and social networking saturate absolutely everything, we just hear about it more now... and it's in our faces.

Plus, one thing I've learned in life is that we *rarely* hear the whole story from the beginning. We don't KNOW what was going on "in the background." We only hear the bottom line sensationalism that the media puts out there first in their rush to break the story first.
Exactly, we are not responsible for other people's actions, we just do our best. Corruption and bad professionals exist everywhere, so what can we do really? Just our job, nothing else.
This is just my opinion, keep in mind, but I'm guessing they don't judge these "bad" cops as harshly as the public does, simply because they understand the job better than anyone, and they know how thin the line is between being called a hero and being called a monster. We sit and judge from our safe little bubbles while they're out there making decisions none of us are qualified or mentally prepared to make.
I think they feel like these "bad cops" are stealing their image and making them look bad, while in reality they're a minority? I don't really know as I'm not a cop myself, but it can only be something like that.
My average thought is the source of the news being the bad part. It makes me laugh when someone posts a clip of a video (not the whole video mind you) of a cop taking someone down and making it look as if they are being abusive. Then you get this massive pool of the most ignorant people on the internet who see it as abuse but don't at all research all the details of it and they spread police-abuse propaganda. Then we later find out that the suspect had pulled a gun or acted like they were going for a weapon earlier before they were taken down... It seems like cops get the &^%$ end of the stick right away before all the details are taken in and they only get praise until after they have been fatally shot... its a sad media world we live in...
I think they feel like these "bad cops" are stealing their image and making them look bad, while in reality they're a minority? I don't really know as I'm not a cop myself, but it can only be something like that.
Jail them on impersonation charges may be..?:P :P
A bad cop surely will bring down the image of other good cops and people lose the trust factor.
Even if you are not a cop,it ain't a problem,as you can relate to instances like these.
Firstly,assume you are a perfect salesman,and some silly arses in the same clan disrupt the image by doing something crappy,how would you feel.??
Have i made sense here..??
Bad apples get all the attention and bring shame to the whole. It's really sad that a few bad cops have really caused the public to distrust the police so much. I know it has affected me too. I do not trust anyone easily, and I wish that I had more confidence in police officers, but the things I have heard to make me wary.
I wondered about this too. My brother and friend don't like bad cops because they make good cops look bad. I think they may not like bad cops either for the same reason. The bad cops make it hard for people to trust cops. That's probably why people have such harsh things to say about cops.
I dont think cops in general are affected by this issue. They do however, are concerned on how the public views them. It is very important for the general public to trust cops in order to have a working good public relationship with the public. Because people are the best asset there is and police knows that they should be taken cared of.
I agree with one of the former posts - they probably don't judge them in the same way as we do. Yes, they know they've done wrong and are dishonoring the badge and so on. But they also realize they are very human. We perhaps put police on a higher pedestal than is necessary. They have human failings as well, even if they are meant to be above a lot of the situations that we put ourselves in.
If I were a cop I would feel angry at those hoodlums who are staining the name of the police force of which I am apart. People look at you and treat you with respect since you are a cop but if they constantly see in the news that cops nowadays have turned bad and cannot be trusted then us good cops will also be affected of their wrong doings. Its not just them that will be criticized, but the entire police force as well.