What does Policemen/Women do for relaxation?


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about how stressful an LEO's job can get at various times, and was wondering what are some the methods Officers use to combat job related stress? And what relaxes them and enables them to prepare for another day of duty?
Some of those cops are here and i reckon this surely will prove to be a good entertainment for them.I know of many that try yoga as an option to combat stress,or they might have a hot coffee drink.
I am sure they will try something new every other week,lest that will bore them out.
My brother likes to relax at a club that he goes to all of the time. I think the idea of picking up women always relaxes him. ;) My friend goes to a bar with her other cop friends to relax. Of course I have to tease her about her possibly getting a beer belly if she keeps going to the bar. Needless to say, she doesn't like when I make that joke to her, but I'm going to do it anyway. :)
I think going out to the bar and having a nice drink with the fellows is a way to relax. I think that some cops go and hang out with other officers by having get together's with other officers family.
Relaxation is important in any job, but particularly in a job like this that is just so stressful. One of the things that I like to do is go for long walks, because it allows me to stop thinking about the things that have stressed me out during the course of the day, and it also helps to keep me fit, which is obviously very important. I will often listen to some of my favourite songs as well. I just find that music and exercise can make me very happy for some reason, so this is something that I will definitely continue to do!
I have a few family members who are cops and surprisingly they live normal regular civilian lives after work. One in particular, my aunt, sometimes would sit down with us and join with the eating and drinking, the smoking, the swear and jesting. She's quite relaxed when at home.
I have a few family members who are cops and surprisingly they live normal regular civilian lives after work. One in particular, my aunt, sometimes would sit down with us and join with the eating and drinking, the smoking, the swear and jesting. She's quite relaxed when at home.
Woaah..I already am envying you and your family..just kidding dude..:P
How does she even manage all that..? My cousin creates a ruckus when he is asked of these things.
I really am going to show him this post.
While they have very important and stressful jobs, I can imagine that they relax just like anybody else. Everyone is different with what brings them personal comfort - some prefer to be active with a lot of energy or socialization, and some prefer to just kick back in silence.