Want to become a law enforcement officer? You can do a few things...
1. Stay healthy, avoid things that hurts your body like smoking, junk food, drugs, etc.
2. Workout regularly, you need to be physically fit... Run every day, go cycling, do upper body workouts
3. Use your head, don't anything or do anything that could haunt you later on in life, watch out for the internet with your opinions as they can easily be taken out of context and used against you
4. Get educated, not only should you focus on a Bachelor or even a Masters, you should get educated in other public safety such as firefighting, first aid, incident management, FEMA certifications, etc.
5. Get experienced, join a volunteer police force, become an armed security officer for a high-end company or client, start out in jail or corrections
7. Network, get to know others in law enforcement. Today, sites like LinkedIn are wonderful for making the right connections in the field you want to get into
8. Be social, get involved in your community and volunteer, do some charities, join charity-based organizations and be known as a great member of your community