What do you think is a healthy snack with coffee?

A lot of snacks go well with coffee especially doughnuts, but as you've pointed out, they're not the healthiest option. The best snacks would be a whole-grain toast with a slice of protein like lean ham or chicken, coupled with a slice of cheese and some lettuce and tomato. That is a very satisfying snack that is not high in calories. Deliciously healthy indeed!
I usually go with peanut butter toast or a granola bar. I am not much for very sweet things in the morning, such as doughnuts, unless I am really in the mood for them. Scrambled eggs with salsa is also a good choice and it gives you protein.
A large ginger biscuit is something I enjoy with a cup of coffee. Peanuts are also great and healthy if you don't overdo it.
More of a tea drinker myself, but I snack on some of the same things when I have the occasional coffee as when I drink tea. Whole grain toast with peanut butter and honey, homemade trail mix, an apple and banana, things like that.