Were/are you an attention seeker?

I was always one that would be in the background observing things, while others would battle for attention. And I'm still the same way today mostly a private person.
I love attention but that doesn't make me an attention whore.In fact i make sure i command attention,sometimes with something important to share,funny antics,humor.I do it all and my frds explicitly tell me that they love what i do to catch attention.
It sure is an awesome way to make contacts.
Not really. In public I never wanted to be the center of attention. However, I have craved from people around me. In a way everyone is an attention seeker. Attention is needed for human survival. It make them fell important. Neglect is something that can lead to depression or some other disorder.
I was shy as a youngster. Never wanted to be in the spotlight. Now I have no problem dealing with people but I don't like attention. Never have.
I was shy as a youngster. Never wanted to be in the spotlight. Now I have no problem dealing with people but I don't like attention. Never have.
A silent and reserved guy..? Hard to believe actually,with the way your posts are laid out and the way you interact on the forum,it really doesn't justify what you just stated..:P.Have never had attention or have you always shied away from it..?
No I’m not an attention seeker; I have never been because I am an introvert by nature. I like remaining in the background and feel very nervous if I am ever in the spotlight. Talking in public is a big deal for me because then it makes me noticed which is one of the things I avoid. I am so content on my own that it annoys some people.
No. As much as possible, I avoid attention. I love blending in the background. I don't like it when the spotlight is on me because I tend to feel sick. One time, I had to speak in front of our class. I puked, and it's safe to say that it's the worst memory I have of high school.
I am the complete opposite actually. I hate when people look at me, kind of irritates me. Like what are they looking at? They don't have enough honor to look upon this greatness. Last time I had someone staring at me I told them to look at the ground. The random stranger I said it to actually looked at the ground, what a nerd.
No I was the one sitting in the back nose buried in a book or writing. I tended to blend in, but have just enough friends that I didn't feel totally invisible throughout school. I didn't have a cliche of people to hang with either. I knew and was friends with any and everybody. I never understood the whole hang with your own mentality. Even jocks like things other than football, the rich kids have interests other than spending money and acting superior. I learned pretty early in life you can almost always find some kind of common ground with a person if you try hard enough.
Not I have always been a passive guy and a bit shy sometimes. I am not seeking that, because I feel bad. I'm always normal.
Not a guy, but I was the complete opposite. It really affected my "education" actually, I couldn't stand the thought of being called on in class or getting any attention from anyone aside from my friends. I'm still like that.. I like to blend in and lay back, but it just never happens.. I come off as more of an extrovert, so I'm usually right in the middle of the action. Too much attention makes my brain buzz lol.
I was hiding as much as possible when I was in school. If someone was looking at me it typically meant they were makin fun of me, lol. My early 20' to early 30's I came out of my shell and was the life of the party :P. but now I'm back to not wanting anyone to look at me... Unless its one of those rare occasions where I look my absolute BEST!
I didn't seek attention in school at all. I was just there didn't make waves or demand the spotlight in any way shape or form. Now when I wasn't in school on my time I was totally different I loved the attract attention to myself then.
No. I never was an attention seeker. In grade school to college, I never wanted to be the center of attention. It was as though I never existed. I hate it when people stare at me because I feel like they are silently judging me. It's annoying.
People call me "wacky".I was a natural attention seeker,because i did funny things al lthe time in school college.I loved it and i got attention for what i did,but now the professional workplace,environment have all made me "behave" well.:/
I wanted to say, 'Hence why you're a wrestling fan' but I thought that was too easy. No, I've never been one for too much attention. Not sure why it was just never a thing I wanted.
My teachers would write things like "Is too much of a chatter box." When I was a kid. I never understood what that meant until I was older. I think it just showed that I was intelligent! :D I was definitely an attention seeker.
My teachers would write things like "Is too much of a chatter box." When I was a kid. I never understood what that meant until I was older. I think it just showed that I was intelligent! :D I was definitely an attention seeker.
Lolz..You were inviting attention then..not seeking then.?
Your actions invite attention and you don't seek it then..:P