Walking Dead Season 5


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the new season of The Walking Dead yet? If you have, what are your thoughts? Did you like it?

I liked the season premier. In fact, I think that it's the best one so far. It was very exciting compared to other seasons where the season ender is the only episode that is very exciting.

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I think this season will be one of the best ever. I really got bored with the group being stuck in the prison. They really screwed it all up by not fortifying the place correctly and then along came the Governor to blow it all to crap. I was happy to see Daryl and Carol have a nice reunion. Now just where the heck did Beth end up at?
I'm a great fan of "the walking dead". I'm now at season 4 but since you've mentioned about season 5 being interesting, I can't wait to watch it.
Ahhh I'm so excited for this season! The first episode was amazing! I don't want to give away any spoilers if there are people who haven't watched it yet, but aaahhh!
Episode 2 ended brutal! That's all I can say without giving away too much, but I can't wait to see how it turns out of "them".
Episode 2 ended brutal! That's all I can say without giving away too much, but I can't wait to see how it turns out of "them".

It really was though! I was on the edge of my seat for the entire episode. The ending was crazy. I was sitting there screaming at the screen when I saw what they did. I hate cliffhangers, but I can't wait until this Sunday.
It was bothering me that no one was talking about Beth and her absence. Daryl finally mentions her in episode two when they see the symbol on the car. Did he jump in and take off after them? I don't recall if he and carol did or not.
Have you seen the new season of The Walking Dead yet? If you have, what are your thoughts? Did you like it?

I liked the season premier. In fact, I think that it's the best one so far. It was very exciting compared to other seasons where the season ender is the only episode that is very exciting.

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I agree with you on the season premier's awesomeness. The thing that I liked most about the episode surprisingly wasn't the craftiness used to break out of Terminus. It was actually Carol, who has now made it in my top 5 favorites, that made me extremely happy with her and gained my utter respect. I've never hated Carol, but I've never thought much of her either. To me she was always a weak link (not one that I wanted to die, but still), then I thought she was just psycho and messed up when she killed those people in the prison. Now, when she shot Lizzie in the last season I did gain a little bit respect for her, but this season kick off finally did it for me. So, she is in my list of favorites, which are Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, and now her ( at one time Glenn and Carl were in the top five, but some of Glenn's decisions have been a little hazardous and Carl has been a brat, I love them but it's true).
I think they did mention her when they all were reunited. I remember Darryl saying something to Maggie about Beth being alive after they all escaped Terminus. I think they did take off after the car. I hope they find Beth alive. Hopefully she wasn't lunch for the Terminus crew.