Video: NYPD Launches Retraining Program After Ferguson, Eric Garner


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  • An in-depth look inside how the largest police force in the US is teaching officers new tactics.
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I'm glad they're getting on board with this training situation. They really need to work on communication skills over combat skills because it tends to be the officer turns to the thing he has trained the most in when these situations arise & they clearly train more in combat than communication.
I am glad that some steps are being taken after this incident. They NYPD really needs to stop thinking that they are the best because of 9/11. I wish other police forces got some recognition.
It's good that they're taking the initiative to change and reassure those they serve that the police force will be "reformed." This retraining program might restore some of the trust they've lost and continue to consistently lose as more and more "executions" by police are reported. They ought to do something about racial profiling too.

  • An in-depth look inside how the largest police force in the US is teaching officers new tactics.
It is good to see the NYPD retraining their officers on more appropriate non-lethal takedowns on uncooperative suspects. I can recall seeing this on the news days ago. It looks like every police department should have this program too especially the LAPD.