Video: Ferguson protesters flip police car outside city hall


Staff member
  • A group of demonstrators smash and overturn a police car outside of Ferguson City Hall.
Wow, there is no order what-so-ever there, they are flipping a police car? :eek: I guess that there aren't enough men to restore order. :(
There were plenty of National Guard troops that could have helped law enforcement restore order, but they were told to stand down. Kind of makes you wonder if they didn't want to have media coverage to splash around the country of thugs showing out?
The guys on the video seem very much agitated but such irrational behavior won't make any different,will it?
Really? They were told to stand down. I am not surprised. Let them act like animals so we can put it on TV. CNN is a questionable station too. They are making a circus out of this whole thing.
It's so sad that all of this is going on, but at the same time I am so tired of hearing about it. It seems like the media has already had their way with this and has turned it into another on of their many sideshows. The people involved aren't doing themselves any favors either.
Well the car is insured, it's not a major lost, It can't compare to a life. I really don't watch much news so I don't know the latest, but this is not uncommon. The media Stirring up racial tension. You would think that by 2015 we would be way pass the issue of race.
They do something like that and feel all proud of themselves but deny their involvement the moment they are caught lol.
I don't like lawlessness like this. They had a very, very valid cause that they were fighting for, but then they do this stuff. It's so disappointing when this kind of thing happens. I hope the troublemakers (and it is about random opportunist troublemakers) get brought to order.
Massive unemployment, real wages have no increased since the 1970s, immigrant now have more rights then real Americans. Things are getting nasty and they will get a lot worse. Some foreign nurses launched a racism case in California because their employer did not want them to speak their language at work, it was disrupting other Americans. Then the employer ended up having to pay damages. Immigrants just whine racism, and out comes money.
With situations they are/were in Ferguson, I would have been terrified to be a police officer. The crowds that gathered were massive. If there is enough rage to flip a car and setting buildings on fire what is next? How can the police cope with such situations. I know they risk their lives everyday and for that I certainly do appreciate it! but things look pretty scary down there. I give mad kudos to the men and women who serve and have stayed true to the cause.
This is absolutely terrifying, this kind og civil unrest leads to nothing more than less understanding and common ground between law officers and protesters. These kids don't realise how much their behaviour is hurting the overall cause....
The Ferguson case is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. People just want to use it as an excuse to start running wild, crashing stores, etc. That police officer was 100% justified. He had every right to shoot that boy that probably would have killed him had he been able to reach the cop before being shot. Crazy. Those protesters need to get jobs and stop living off the government. Then maybe they wouldn't have time for all the protesting.