The Baltimore Crisis

I'm not sure what crisis you're referring to as there was no link posted. The only thing I assume you may be referring to is this:

Congressman links Baltimore crisis to same-sex marriage - Nick Gass - POLITICO

These are just absurd claims, in my opinion! I can't understand the congressman's line of reasoning at all! What next, is he going to blame all societal ills on same-sex marriage LOL? Oh yea, let's blame gum crime, drug related crime, all the murders and all that on the gay community! -and where's your accountability in all of this Mr Congressman?!
Oh surely not! Same-sex marriage is to blame for the Baltimore riots? I suppose if this hadn't been the cause then it would have been all down to medicinal marijuana or Islam or something equally ridiculous!
I don't have any proof but I just believe this crisis deeper than what we see and hear. It seems like the situation has been building up for some time and finally erupted after the subsequent death of Freddie Gray.
This situation (since I live near there) was another case of cop-on-pedestrian brutality, which left the guy in a Coma. A week later, the guy died. It set them off like Ferguson. The thing? The black guy was completely innocent and in the wrong. Just wrong place, wrong time. sparked it off. Wasn't same-sex. Wasn't marijuana. It was more of the same.
I think it is because people are genuinely fed up with the injustice going on in the police departments around the country. Not that all cops are bad, but there are enough of them that there is a huge distrust between the African American community and white officers. People are fed up with it because black men keep getting killed and it seems like no one is listening when they voice their concerns and the cops, who in some of these cases are obviously guilty of excessive force, are getting away with it.
I have found that most such incidents are something that has been building over time. It only takes one little spark to turn it into a great big fire. A small incident can set it off and everyone will be left wondering what happened!
This HAD to be a Republican. One of the crazier ones at that. lol He will probably be caught in a public bathroom with his britches down around his ankles getting one from "big rob" in the next six months too. lol

Fools like this need to be impeached. How dare he lessen the seriousness of this issue with this nonsense. Was this some politician from the deep South or Texas?
This HAD to be a Republican. One of the crazier ones at that. lol He will probably be caught in a public bathroom with his britches down around his ankles getting one from "big rob" in the next six months too. lol

Fools like this need to be impeached. How dare he lessen the seriousness of this issue with this nonsense. Was this some politician from the deep South or Texas?

I'll thank you to be more careful with your blanket remarks about the south, deep or otherwise. Why do you assume a southerner or a Texan has anything to do with this?