Thanking your police


Well-Known Member
Do you ever stop to give police officers a big warm "thank you" after they have helped you out in some way? Whenever I get assistance from the police, I always try to make a big what to do about it and give them a huge thank you for their service. Officers have to deal with so many horrible things that it is nice when they get appreciation for the work that they do.
Sure do! One night I left work and there was a huge snowstorm. I slid sideways in the road. I called the police, and they came out and moved my car to a safer location, and drove me home. I was so tired, and scared! I thanked them profusely!
I have never really asked a police officer for something. Well, actually, there was one incident wherein we have to interview cops for our documentary in college, and they were very willing to participate in it. So yes, I remember thanking them for giving us a bit of their time. Police officers do have a tough job, they deserve words of appreciation once in a while.
I have thanked them for helping me, but I have not went out of my way to thank a police officer as he is passing by. I think it might be good to do so, you might just make his day!
I give a big warm thank you to anyone who helps me with anything... they don't have to and if they do, especially in a world full of me me me, I make sure they know how much I appreciate them and the time and effort they took out of their day for me.
I've always thanked the police. I've always thanked firefighters. It's amazing how a few kind words could change the days of these people serving their community.
My car broke down on the side of the road. Officer Starks pulled up to see what was wrong. He asked for my license and I told him straight out,"it's expired and has been for a while". He checked it and it had been expired for 5 yrs. once I got the car started he followed me and let me pull into the high school parking lot, searched my car, wrote me a ticket, and gave me a ride home. He was so nice about it that I gave him a huge thank you and wrote about him on the station's facebook page.
There are a lot of nasty police officers out there and I have had my fair share of their grumpy attitudes, so when one goes above and beyond with customer service and is nice to work with, I show a lot of appreciation. It is not a good feeling to call for a police officer to help you or report a crime, and then get the attitude from them that you are wasting their time when you felt that the incident was important enough to call in the first place.
I always thank an officer for helping me out, it is common courtesy. However, I won' thank them just by virtue of being an officer. If an individual personally helps me out, I will certainly thank them for their service. Other than that, it seems like a hollow compliment to me, they are just doing the job that they signed up for.
I normally do, yes. My last interaction wasn't very confidence-inducing, and it was my first in a while with the local authorities, but I do appreciate their work and that they are often under-appreciated.
No..I dread these cops,because if i go in with good intentions to actually thank them,i am scared they might as well catch me for any of my previous mistakes.
Why would i wantedly want to fall in a pit.I haven't thanked them but maybe if i really feel i have to,i will for sure.