Texting while driving.


Active Member
It seems to be getting out of hand. It is becoming a national epidemic, and I am glad using your phone while driving is against the law. Even now though, I still see many people driving with their faces glued to their phone. 25% of all auto accidents are due to texting.

How do you all feel about cell phone usage while driving?
Regardless of what the police try to do this is never going to stop. All the fines in the world haven't stopped people from not wearing a seat belt & texting while driving. In fact I've seen more people trying to hide their texting from the police when they see them which can be argued to be more dangerous than openly texting. Should you be texting? Absolutely not. Will you likely text anyway? Most likely.
I believe texting while driving should never be done it is really harmful for one health and is very dangerous. I believe it can be useless to regret when something bad happens. Hence it is better to be careful in the beginning itself.
It's a very bad and dangerous habit to text or speak on the phone while you're driving. My mother had an accident one year ago because she was careless while she was driving on a busy road. The problem was that she was using her phone the whole time and now she doesn't even get it out of her pockets while she's driving.
I am totally against with texting while driving. You should never multi-task while driving because it could lead to danger. This should be really prohibited. What if you get too focused on texting/using your phone, for sure, accident will somehow occur. To avoid that, one must have some sense of responsibility and be very careful.
There have been more accidents involving phones these days, because drivers think they can do both things. I read about a lorry driver who was convicted because thy found a text message he has sent at the time he ran over someone. Despite being against the law, people think they can still get away with it and many do, but when it causes an accident that kills, then people need to know, a text can wait. It's negligence, because people know they shouldn't do it and try to wing it.
It's extremely dangerous, and honestly one of the reasons why I think self-driving cars would be a great asset for humanity in the future. It's just so difficult to stamp out such a widespread practice since everyone thinks that they are in complete control of the car despite texting.
I think it's disgusting. There needs to be something put in cars that doesn't allow your phone to turn on while the car is running.. that way, you'll have to park to use it. EVERY time I go out, someone is swerving all over the road looking down in their laps at their phones. I fear for our safety every time we're on the road because of cell phones. It should be treated like drunk driving. No, scratch that.. because I think you should be stricken from driving the rest of your life if you decide to get behind the wheel of a car drunk. Same goes for texting.. ESPECIALLY texting, because you aren't even impaired when you make the decision to risk everyone's lives.
I think phones are meant to be used hand-free (with a dash-mount) or not used at all in a car or vehicle. Any (and I mean ANY) abuse of this dangers any lives on the road, not only yours. Not even if the road is empty and you know you can get away with it, you should just wait until you arrive at your destination to answer it. If you have a friend, have them respond for you. Unless you're going to pull over and finish the text, you should NEVER divide your attention from road. It only take one split second to ruin your life (or someone elses') from your negligence. It's not worth it. Just wait to talk to that friend until after you've arrived, or to inform your bosses that something is wrong before you start your ride.

I've only seen bad things from texting/driving.
I think it's illegal for good reason. I also think they need to do a better job enforcing it. A friend of mine recently flipped her truck because she was texting. And she still hasn't learned her lesson. Maybe a night in jail would make it sink in.
I get angry when I see people texting and driving because they are endangering my safety on the road. When you are texting, you are not paying attention to what is going around you and I have seen people get into accidents because of it. There is no conversation that is so important that it can't wait until you are safety pulled over.
I can't understand this, everyone knows how dangerous this is. The laws will have to be changed to become a lot stricter and sentences a lot heavier. Something has to be done as many innocent people are getting hurt.
I think it's illegal for good reason. I also think they need to do a better job enforcing it. A friend of mine recently flipped her truck because she was texting. And she still hasn't learned her lesson. Maybe a night in jail would make it sink in.

Unfortunately, if someone ignores a wake up call like that, it won't sink in until she's killed herself or someone else.
Extremely dangerous and it sure shall prove fatal one day or the other
Refrain from calling/texting or anything can distract you very easily.
I don't do it..and i make sure i tell someone not to do it if they do it on roads.
It's an accident waiting to happen, simple as that. Driving is dangerous in the first place, you need your full attention on what's coming your way and how to drive safely around any sudden events. How can you do that if you're greeting all 2000 of your facebook friends?
That's why you see stories of people getting ran over in negligence. Because of people like who would rather type "hi!" or "Sup" or some other slang and jeopardize life.
It seems like people knows it dangerous... for other people. They haven't hurt anyone yet so it's obvious they can handle it. They don't realize that all those people who killed someone else or themselves hadn't had an accident before that either.
Most people think they can drive relatively well while texting. They've done it before maybe. Would doing it one more time be any different? Penalties for using the phone while driving should be more severe I think. Lock up up first-time offenders. Escalate the penalties for repeat offenders. That would be the only way to convince people to stop texting or answering their phones while they drive.
Texting while driving is a horrible thing, luckily for me where I live it's against the law which helps a little bit. The thing that bothers me most isn't the amount of risk that the person driving is under. If you make the choice to do something stupid then you reap what you sow. The only problem is that texting while driving doesn't just affect the driver. Innocent people have been killed just because someone thought it was necessary to chat with their friends.
I think it's completely irresponsible to use a phone whilst driving. You need to keep your full attention on the road and texting etc. stops you from doing this. Like Shimus says, if it can't wait then pull over as soon as it is safe to do so.