Text harassment


For the last two weeks I have getting a lot texts from the same number. I have repeatedly told this person to stop texting me. The person keeps bothering and threaten me. If I go to the police station to report this, can the police officer do anything?
I don't know if this person is still on here. The best thing to do is get it blocked from your phone carrier. If they continue in any way start recording the phone calls if you can. Get documentation of the harassment printed out for proof if you end up needing it.
I don't have text, but see if you can get the texts you have received printed out. If they are threatening you, you should report it. Even if they have not committed a crime, documentation that you reported this now may be valuable if anything else happens with this person, it will prove that there was repetitive behavior going on.
I think that you should get the texts documented and see if you can do anything about it. If you tell the authorities about it I'm sure that they will not take it lightly. You are generally scared, and you have already told the person to stop. Going to the authorities is the logical thing to do.
What you might want to do is call your cell phone carrier and have them block this number. This will prevent them from contacting you. If they try to contact you again the you can block that number as well. I am sure that this is what the police will tell you to do in the event that you go down to the station.
It sounds like you should talk to a lawyer. Even if there's nothing an officer can do, a lawyer can still take them to court. Harassment is not okay, and if you don't do something about it, the offender will continue to think that it is.
I recommend just blocking the person, if you're not on a blocking supported device, just simply ask your phone carrier to do it, or just change your phone number.

If it is intense such as death-threats, you can file a claim against it, typically against distress and disruptance of peace and such. However, if they don't go away after blocking them, it's always best to go to the police and see if they can assist with the threats.

The best plan of action would to contact a lawyer if the threats continue, as I feel the Police may not be able to do something about the offender if they are not in the police zoned area.
I have been down this road with two different people. The police were involved both times. I was told by the officer that if you respond back that it becomes a conversation, or at the very most an argument. It is not harassment unless you text and say, "leave me alone, I don't want you texting me". Anything more, and you are as compliant as the person sending the texts. I was told that if I continued to respond I could be in trouble myself. When I stopped, and he started again the next day, I called the police again. The officer got indignant with me, and said that if he heard from either of us again, that he was going to arrest us both and let the judge decide who was to blame.
I would just block them if they are getting too annoying. If they're death threats, then you should see a police officer. Best of luck to you.