Teenager Rapes & Kills 6 year old

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
A 17 year old Washington state boy allegedly raped and killed a 6 year old girl, leaving her body in a field. She was found on Thursday and he was arrested on Saturday. It is unknown whether the two knew each other or not.

Wow. Just wow. I'm not sure to be happy he was caught and prevented from a life of multiple offenses or to cry for this little girl and her family. Poor baby.
This is disgusting, and not too far from where I live. I can't believe he thinks he can in a trial. If forensics did a swab of his DNA and find that the victim was carrying his seman, he's going to prison for a really long time. I hope he does. He deserves a lot worse than that little girl. And this might sound sexist, but this is why I don't trust young boys around little girls. I know too well the risks of curious boys and unknowing little girls. May he rot in prison!
I think we should be careful not to convict this person in the media before he has even gone to trial. Anyone guilty of such a crime should indeed spend a lot of time, if not life, in prison. However, they must gather evidence and put together their case before he is proven guilty.

I am very concerned about the trend we have of basically convicting the suspect in the public eye before the trial has even started. I don't think it is right or fair. Sometimes they don't get the right person right away.
Well this is messed up, and if he did this I am sure he would not have an easy time in jail, even the other inmates would want to rip him apart.

As mentioned though we must have substantial evidence before we start pointing fingers. Condolences to the family of the child and I hope that the one responsible is brought to justice.
That story makes me really sad. Firstly, that 6 year old is scarred for life and that's so terrible. Secondly, the fact that a 17-year old could even conceive of such a thing just scares me. Hopefully the little girl gets all the psychological support needed to get her back on the straight and narrow. And I hope we see the right judicial response to this whole sorry event
It is a feeling that applies both ways, it is so sad , what happened to this innocent little girl, it is very sickening to know that someone can do this and not care, at this same time it is good that they have caught the seventeen year old, so that he can pay for what he did, also that is one less rapist out there that we have to worry about.
A 17 year old Washington state boy allegedly raped and killed a 6 year old girl, leaving her body in a field. She was found on Thursday and he was arrested on Saturday. It is unknown whether the two knew each other or not.

Wow. Just wow. I'm not sure to be happy he was caught and prevented from a life of multiple offenses or to cry for this little girl and her family. Poor baby.
Man after reading this I was reminded of a serial killer that was talked about on a show called "Killer Kids". I remember that this stream of murders happened around the 1950's in Canada. The guy was a teenager named Peter Woodcock and he would always go around and give free rides to 4-6 year old boys and girls. Then he would take them to a isolated area and strangle the kids to death. I remembered that one of the kids he killed was a little 4 year old girl which he molested her by shoving a thin tree branch into her vagina perforating it.
This made me sad, as it probably did every else, too. I hope he gets justice and has time to think what he has done. I fell so sorry for the parents of both kids, they must feel awful.
This is sick. That poor poor baby. My oldest is six and I can't imagine something like this. That poor girls family must be devastated. May whoever did this to this poor girl rot. There is no excuse for something like this to ever happen.
Anyone who rapes a child that young deserves the worst kind of punishment. Some guy who'd raped and murdered a kid was stabbed 17 times in prison which is great and I hope that this one gets worse treatment when he lands in jail. I wish it were the old days when murderers were boiled alive. This would deter would be rapists/murderers from even thinking about . . . committing the crime.
Both I think, be happy he was caught and hopefully put away for life, and be sad for the family of the little girl. That's just horrible and one of the many reasons my kids are never out of my sight!
This is a terrible crime, and I hope very much that he has to pay for what he has done to this poor child. I also worry about the state of the world when people, particularly people this young, feel the need to do this to other human beings. A child has killed a child, and for some reason that makes it feel so much worse to me. It's an age where people should still be carefree and innocent, yet something must have happened during his life so make him think that he could act like this without any repercussions.
This is disgusting. Does anyone know if this person will be tried as an adult, by perhaps waiting until he turns 18 to put him on trial? The guy's 17. Assuming he's of sound mind, there is no reason why he shouldn't be thinking like an adult. I hope the victim's family finds justice, and the perpetrator is punished harshly. Rape and murder are terrible crimes.
This is not what I had in mind when it came to Thanksgiving. I feel sad for that six year old they did get a chance to live their life. I guess you can say that life was not fair at all. You have to wonder what was going on in those peoples lives to where things had escalated to the brink.
I also recall a certain mental illness called Munchausens Syndrome by proxy, where you're essentially hurting someone else to get attention. Although I've never seen this in person, it has been shown on TV quite a few times, and unfortunately, it's an altogether real thing. This sometimes happens to mothers who on purposely hurt their children for attention.
Breaks my heart! RIP little one! My daughter is 5 and I could never imagine my life without her. It is cases like this that are what made me want to get back into school to finish my degree in criminal justice to get into law school to prosecute people like this! I hope this man paid for what he did. Prayers for the little girl's family!
These stories are pretty regular. There always seems to be one. A seventeen year old has no excuse, if you ask me, for doing what he is alleged to have done to the six year old victim. God have mercy.
I'm not arguing that this is a horrible crime that has to be severely punished, but I can't help but feel terrible that a person who is so clearly mentally ill wasn't able to get help before they hurt someone else like this, especially such a young child. That is two lifes that was destroyed, not to mention the lifes of both the victim and the perpetrators families. Simply tragic and horrible.