Should police be able to request grants from the government?


Well-Known Member
There's so much floating around in free cash out there it seems sad to see some precincts getting cut down and some genuinely awesome cops losing their jobs. Nothing worse is to lose good men and not be able to combat it. For this, I feel precincts should be able to file for certain grants to keep jobs open and thus in turn freeing up budget money to buy the equipment they so desire. I'm sure some money is exchanged in back rooms still, and it just will happen. It's just life. However, this money could be being appropriated for the right reasons.

I think there should be programs to help them out. Some of these cruisers look like they're about to break half the time lol.
Shocked nobody has any input on this. Kids can file for student grants. Adults can file for go-back-to-school grants. Cops should be able to put in a request for a grant for better gear or cruisers. Perhaps enough funds to host a fundraiser and get some local donations (more realistic) but it seems with the lack of payment our cops make around here that either someone is skimmin' their funds or they've been shafted. And it looks like hand-me-downs of hand-me-down on some of their radios and uniforms. Just saying. Could be personal Hygiene at that point, but me. I know these companies are usually helped by the city council in that specific area, but getting help from a Federal instead of Local Gov would probably be more beneficial.
I totally agree with you! I believe that the federal government should step in and give funding to local law enforcement. I mean if the government can send so much money to countries overseas that are in need why cant they help out our men and women of law enforcement. The focus should be turned a little more toward helping those that we depend on and expect to be there in our greatest times of need! Unfortunately for most folks it takes a personal experience with law enforcement to make them even aware of this situation. This is defiantly a topic that mainstream media needs to be focusing more on! I'm going to jump down off my soap box now before I get my feathers in a kerfuffle!
I guess my question is: Than what are the unions for? It's a really difficult thing to fight for what you need in a department/district. Just because you are requesting a grant doesn't mean it's going to come to you. Especially if you & every precinct under the son is in need of similar things. Ideally it's a good idea but in the world as it is now it's a tough thing to execute appropriately.
Very true, but it's no more difficult then funding college for students or kids from a government standpoint. It's all money, really. It's just as important to gear the men and women who will save and guard those lives as it is to see them through college, or to fix that one street in town when that money could have been allocated to fund gear for police unit in a bad part of town that only has bare essentials. That was my only point. Of course, each precinct in EVERY city/town getting a grant is far unreasonable, but Cops should be allowed to ask for help when it's due and needed. And they should be allowed to be refused, just like the rest of us! :rolleyes: