Should one give out bribes to the police after being arrested illegally?


Well-Known Member
I was once arrested illegally by the police and before getting me to the police station,They had already asked me for bribes of which I did not give out.
This is rampant. There are so many police officers who ask for bribes especially when they arrest you for traffic violations. So many people here are complaining every day in media stations for abusive cops. I don't think that every officer is corrupt though. There are still those who are serving the people and country honestly.
No, because then you actually are committing a crime. Go to the station or wherever, and explain. It's easier and smarter to take some extra time to stay within the law.
I also agree with you, giving of bribes is a crime. It can actually lead to more problems. I know that most people will say that it is the easiest way to handle a problem. It is better to go to court and plead your case and pray to God that he helps you out.
Giving a bribe is a crime. I would never try to bribe the law because that is just going to end up getting myself in trouble by my family who work for respected law enforcement and I would never hear the end of it.
Wow, that's crazy and almost sickening. Not only does it seem like they are arresting you purely to try and get something out of you but also to actually CAUSE a crime by getting you to bribe them. This is all kinds of messed up. To answer your question - NO! Definitely, absolutely not!
I know of someone who did and they have regretted it ever since. No we should not, but we should take a stand and report the bad cops. This problem is occurring more and more worldwide.
Giving a bribe is disgusting. If you haven't done anything wrong, let them book you and try to build a case against you. Afterwards when you prove you were innocent, sue and make some good cash off your predicament.
Sadly some countries accept "Bribes" Tips or "Commissions" as part of their lifestyle.

In India for example to get things done a "tip" is often required, from this it is easy to see how it would then become the norm for those in authority.
However "Bribes " are wrong
Sadly some countries accept "Bribes" Tips or "Commissions" as part of their lifestyle.

In India for example to get things done a "tip" is often required, from this it is easy to see how it would then become the norm for those in authority.
However "Bribes " are wrong

When you say a tip is often required - do you mean they don't do anything unless you tip then? If this is so, has this got anything to do with the lack of law enforcement in countries like India?
Don't do the bribes or else now they would be able to get you for something. Just get as much info as you can about the officers involved and file a complaint. Hopefully the complaint would be filed and you would not have any further issues like a cover up. That is the one bad thing with corrupt cops its tough to get them turned in vs a regular criminal.
It is not advisable to bribe a police officer as it is against the law and may incriminate you more. But we cant really deny this facts, as it is true in some countries.. Civilians should refrain from offering bribe to police officer so that they wont be tempted as well..
You cannot win with giving bribes. You can get in trouble for committing a crime, plus if it actually works you will be tapped up again in the future for future bribes.
You cannot win with giving bribes. You can get in trouble for committing a crime, plus if it actually works you will be tapped up again in the future for future bribes.

That's actually a good point. If you get caught once for committing a small crime and your bribe is successful, there is a chance that if the same police officer saw you he might tell you to pay him some more or else he'll arrest you. Very messy stuff.
This is when a dash cam or some form of recording comes of great use.Once you have evidence,he could potentially lose his job.These guys really need some harsh action and only then will they stop asking.
Unless we have something against them,we don't stand a chance..
Oh yeah.We shouldn't be giving out bribes,because that might change the case altogether..