shooting of police officers, this one in Mississippi.


Well-Known Member
Two police officers were shot and killed lat night at hattiesburg, MS. The officers had stopped a vehicle for a traffic stop, and both officers were shot, and the shooters then fled, stealing one of the patrol cars as they left. Passersby discovered the two dying officers and called 911 for help. The shooters are said to be in custody, and the investigation is still ongoing. At this point, it is hard to say whether this is connected with the recent race riots in Blatimore.

Link : 3 arrested in fatal shooting of 2 Miss. officers
This is tragic, and yeah it's hard to say if this is related to the Baltimore incidents in any way.
I hope that the killers get punished for what they've done.
I don't think it's really related, though you could say they were possibly influenced by those events. It's impossible to know what is in people's minds. It does play into the bigger issue of the lack of respect that goes both ways.
It would be interesting to know whether the amount of assaults on police have gone up in the last couple of years, or whether we are just hearing about them more. It just seems to be front and center now and it's very sad that police have to be the target for such actions.
This must be a very scary time to join the police force in America! The raging war between the police and the criminals just doesn't show any signs of abating, just what is it going to take to stop it?!
The number of shootings is now becoming very alarming. It's really getting scary. I hope there would be no more tragic news such as this one in the near future.
It would be interesting to know whether the amount of assaults on police have gone up in the last couple of years, or whether we are just hearing about them more. It just seems to be front and center now and it's very sad that police have to be the target for such actions.
Ahh,you just got it all in a nutshell.We should widen up our search for an answer to the statistics over last couple of years and of late too.A quick and small ration can help suggest this better.
I do believe it is related, as are the assaults on the officers in the Mother's Day brawl I posted about in another thread, and the (now fired) Subway employee who cheered those who'd murdered the Mississippi officers. Subway Employee Fired for Posts Celebrating Police Deaths - ABC NewsStory/subway-employee-fired-posts-celebrating-police-deaths-30975939
That is sick,to say the least..Cheering ?? Heartless arses :/
By first thought it does look related,but i am sure it is much beyond that.I can't seem to find exact relation though.