Shooter Mourned with Victims


Well-Known Member
Do you think the shooter in Marysville should be mourned with his victims? Do you think it's disrespectful to the families of the victims? In an article I read, friends mourn him alongside the ones he shot to death. I'm torn about this. Yes, his family is grieving as much as the victim's families. They probably feel horrible about what happened and are having a hard time dealing with it.

It's a sticky situation.
Losing a loved one is always a terrible thing, regardless of the circumstances. We may judge the person for his crimes, but we cannot judge his loved ones for loving him, and mourning his death. They deserve some privacy.
Death of young people is usually very sad. If I am not wrong the shooter was a friend to the victims. For that reason it is possible that their families know each other. It must be very difficult for the family of the shooter because a number of people will choose to blame them for what their son did. Since he is their son, they are feeling the loss. I hope that all these families heal after this tragedy.
I think so because his life was still lost and his family will be grieving even though he did terrible things. I do understand the anger of those who lost someone at his hand and their not wanting him to be mourned, but I think that is just a natural response to pain and grief. We should still recognize the loss the shooters family is facing and be supporting them in their grief as well.
Losing someone is hard on people, but a certain level of decency and shame are acceptable when someone in your family commits a heinous act. I think it would be smarter, and honestly, a little classier to do your mourning in private, in consideration of the victims your family member created.
I interpreted it the other way round where he shot them first and then mourned with them to elude police attention.Anyways after i did read the article i feel he ought to be mourned with the victims as the families know each other and he was a frd for everyone who was shot by him.
The shooter should mourn with the victims only to realize what he has done and how many peoples' lives he affected. I would not want to be in his shoes right about now. I just think its now over and done with so just have to pray for those people.
He was troubled, obviously. I think it's a very sad situation and my thoughts and prayers are with the families. I think there needs to be a discussion that goes beyond gun safety laws and digs deeper on mental and emotional issues.
He was troubled, obviously. I think it's a very sad situation and my thoughts and prayers are with the families. I think there needs to be a discussion that goes beyond gun safety laws and digs deeper on mental and emotional issues.
Wow..i completely second that..because once you get deeper and analyse the mental and emotional issues you stand a better chance to curb all these incidents.Emotions and feelings can explode anytime and in any level.
We can't blame the people that cared about him. But I would think that the victims family wouldn't appreciate seeing the shooter being mourned. It sounds bad, but it's the truth. Lots of emotions are involved.
We can't blame the people that cared about him. But I would think that the victims family wouldn't appreciate seeing the shooter being mourned. It sounds bad, but it's the truth. Lots of emotions are involved.

The hard part is, the shooter's and the victim's families all knew one another. So I guess they're just showing support for one another despite the circumstances. It's a really sad situation.
I think they all knew him and understand that he just lost his way and felt like he didn't have any other way to go. I think it is sad that the whole incident couldn't have been avoided. It may have been if someone would have stepped up and just listened. No one has empathy for anyone else anymore and that, to me at least, is the biggest problem in society. No one cares about and troubles or woes except for their own.
I think they all knew him and understand that he just lost his way and felt like he didn't have any other way to go. I think it is sad that the whole incident couldn't have been avoided. It may have been if someone would have stepped up and just listened. No one has empathy for anyone else anymore and that, to me at least, is the biggest problem in society. No one cares about and troubles or woes except for their own.

I agree. People seem too self-indulgent to give a damn about someone else these days. I read on a blog somewhere that talked about how we are so sucked into our cell phones and social media that we don't even know how to act in the world. A dad was recording his son playing on the playground and his son fell and broke his arm. The dad didn't know what to do, he just kept recording. It's really sad. I think a lot the zombie apocalypse movies are really a metaphor that speaks to how we've become consumed by technology and our hearts have been put on ice or taken out.

Sorry for the rant.
I also think the mourning should be done separately. Even though there are a lot of lives affected by this, I still believe it should be in a private manner for both sides.
Of course he should be mourned by friends! Even if he did something very horrible, I bet his friends and family miss him.

It all depends on the point of view. If you look from the affected families' view, he should not be mourned. If you look from his family's point of view, he should be mourned.

As simple watchers, we can't really comment on it, as we do not know what either parts feel right now.