Samuel L Jackson Boycott this BUM

@ the OP,

The video can't be viewed because this is what it says:

This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

So I contend once again, that I don't believe what you say. You're making stuff up.
@ the OP,

The video can't be viewed because this is what it says:

This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

So I contend once again, that I don't believe what you say. You're making stuff up.

All videos are working for me. I am going to boycott, what the hell, I don't like him or washington, they are both racist douches.
This is a very controversial topic. I understand that Jackson is upset by what happened to Eric Garner and Michael Brown. It's terrible that the situations had to happen in the first place. I agree that he should tell people about to obey the law and not just focus on the fact that he thinks the police are racists. All police officers aren't racists. None of us know what happened in either situation so we don't know if they were racists or not.
Erm how is killing innocent people by using illegal chokeholds protecting them. Am I supposed to feel protected when a 7 year old is shot in the head in her bed by the very people who are supposed to uphold the law. Its ok to beat the crap out of kids if they are carrying cannabis. Just as you are entitled an opinion Samuel L Jackson is entitled to his. What are you inciting by telling people he is a bum and to boycott his movies? Pot calling the kettle, black springs to mind.
Erm how is killing innocent people by using illegal chokeholds protecting them. Am I supposed to feel protected when a 7 year old is shot in the head in her bed by the very people who are supposed to uphold the law. Its ok to beat the crap out of kids if they are carrying cannabis. Just as you are entitled an opinion Samuel L Jackson is entitled to his. What are you inciting by telling people he is a bum and to boycott his movies? Pot calling the kettle, black springs to mind.

Umm, Who was innocent? Even his wife admits that he dedicated his life to breaking the law. Eric Garner was a life long criminal, that is not speculation it is fact. 30 arrests and 27 of them for the same offense. The bigger issue with him is why didn't they throw away the key ( I don't care if he was white, he had on respect for laws). Lets assume that he was innocent of the crime he was being arrested for. Once he was told to put his hands behind his back and he refused he was guilty of resisting arrest. No criminal wants to be arrested so should they be able to just say no?

Please point out the other cases that your mention in your post.

338 Blacks are killed every year (this is by both black, white, hispanic and every other nationality law enforcement agents) by Law Enforcement, Security Guards or people of authority. 154 Police Officers were killed in 2014. In excess of 7100 Blacks were killed by other Blacks in 2014. Do you really think the big issue here is racist police officers? If you do than you are going to continue to watch Black society collapse on it self. If you would like to compare whites to blacks which most people avoid. You are 9 times more likely to be killed if you are a Black person by a Black person than a white person being killed by another white person.

jackson is entitled to his opinion and so am I. I am not trying to boycott a race yet he is trying to accuse police of being racist without proof and have all of his celeb friends agree with him (it has not worked) . There is no evidence that either of the 2 people he is doing this in memory of were put in the situation because they were black. Yet all the evidence provided even by Brown's associate who was with him has shown if they had just complied with the law, they would not have died on the day they did. Please provide proof showing otherwise.
This is a very controversial topic. I understand that Jackson is upset by what happened to Eric Garner and Michael Brown. It's terrible that the situations had to happen in the first place. I agree that he should tell people about to obey the law and not just focus on the fact that he thinks the police are racists. All police officers aren't racists. None of us know what happened in either situation so we don't know if they were racists or not.

Well said. Thank you.

The op is just hating on Samuel L. Jackson and think he can dictate others to obey his commands. What a bully.
Hush fool. LOL! You're silly. The only racist douche is you.

There is no such thing as a good black actor, these are the best of the garbage available.

I will agree with you on one point though, OP stop hating on jackson and asking him to ask scum like garner and brown to obey the law. If they had obeyed the law, we would still have 2 more useless bums roaming this earth. They are better for society where they lie now.

And honestly there is no reason to stop black on black violence, they are doing the work for us. So keep hating on the police and keep killing each other.

pattycake - I guess this is the type of response you would prefer.

The op has shown actual concern for stopping what is happening, it seems like all you care to do is worry about is jacksons right to bash officers instead of fixing a real problem.

I assure you, anyway someone tries to spin this THE POLICE ARE GOING TO WIN OUT.
pattycake - I guess this is the type of response you would prefer.

@TheHammer not sure I would be as harsh as you stated it but unfortunately pattycake's only motive is to hate on police, he really doesn't care about black people. If he did he would be standing right next to the op in asking for people to obey the law so police have no reason to get into any confrontations with them. He would be asking why jackson doesn't ask blacks to stop killing blacks, after all it has been pointed out that is where there is a bigger issue.
Well I am glad that Samuel L. Jackson has spoken out. He's just using his influence, as a famous black man, to draw attention to what other people are going through. I read his comments as though he was speaking out against racism, not the police.
You sound very hurt. Not once in this video did he mention ANY cops, and he never even said the word police or cop. You sound very ignorant making up lies and posting a completely irrelevant video, and then calling people to boycott his movies simply because he sang a song that wasn't the least bit offensive or inappropriate.
He sang the song because many people aren't free in this country, and the only ones who are are rich white people. Some people are slaves to the justice system, others are slaves to the school system, others are slaves to this awful genetically modified food that America serves, many people are still enslaved.
Samuel Jackson isn't a bum, he is a very successful black man.
Well he Samuel Jackson annnounced what he did, but it really is not going to happen, I see this as a racial issue,if we could just talk about what he did as a person that wouldbe cool, but here we are all into the race, at the end of the day what does it matter, the war of races will never end as along as we choose to look at or classify an individual according to their skin color.
You sound very hurt. Not once in this video did he mention ANY cops, and he never even said the word police or cop. You sound very ignorant making up lies and posting a completely irrelevant video, and then calling people to boycott his movies simply because he sang a song that wasn't the least bit offensive or inappropriate.
He sang the song because many people aren't free in this country, and the only ones who are are rich white people. Some people are slaves to the justice system, others are slaves to the school system, others are slaves to this awful genetically modified food that America serves, many people are still enslaved.
Samuel Jackson isn't a bum, he is a very successful black man.
Yes indee he does sound bitter and angry, I doubt it is even about what Samuel Jackson said, it sounds more of a rae issue, and the end of the day, no one can convince people to boycott certain movies just because of one actor, what about the rst of the actors and actresses in that movie