Pulling a gun on people -- what was that rumor? Or that law?


Well-Known Member
I've heard that there would be a law requiring police officers to point their guns at the drivers when they stopped them by the side of the road, for the protection of the police officer and all.

Is that true? If so, is there more info on this?
Why would this even be a good idea?
I don't know where you're from, but this isn't a law anywhere that I've heard of. They might pull one on you if you're acting all sketchy, or you're being noncompliant . Where did you hear that?
I live in Germany now, but I do believe it was supposed to be about the United States. It might have been exaggerated reporting or just a rumor, like I said, but I'll have to check with my SO when he's there and can maybe give me a source?

What would "non-compliant" imply in this case? I know the law says people don't have to roll their windows completely, and some people choose then to not do so. I've heard from many cops they disliked this because they felt they could not trust the person.
I doubt that this is a general requirement - there is absolutely no need to do this if the person being pulled over is co-operative. In any case, all this would really do is increase the tension between the police and the general public. Let's face it, we have more than enough of that already!
My boyfriend pulled up a German article about it (it turns out I'm not allowed to post links yet, so whatever. I don't think you guys can read German anyway). From the little I understand, it seems to be about the militarization of police in the US and about laws regulating the gun pulling?

Which is looking to be obviously allowed but I think the "required" part is maybe a misunderstanding. "Part of the routine" is mentioned, but that probably isn't the same.
I doubt this is a law within America. With the huge amount of gun violence we have here, if that law was followed, it could be a death sentence for the officer. Even if that was a law, and I was a cop, there is no way I would abide it. If my instinct told me my life might be in danger, even if I was wrong, I would take the risk. Better to have an infraction on my record than be in a body bag.
I hope that that is a joke because that sounds like something I would expect to see in an action movie. Cops are already pretty reckless as it is, there's no sense in telling them to be even more reckless. I don't think that this is a good idea at all, and I hope that it is just a rumor.
I haven't seen any of this happening in the United States or heard anything like this happening. I do nothing that officers do keep their hands on or near their gun when handling a traffic stop. Traffic stops can get hairy pretty quick. We've had a few strange chase stories in the local news lately. It's always a good thing if you can shoot out a tire or two to help slow the buggers down.
Wow, I don't think this is true, pointing a gun at a passenger on what grounds? To draw the gun it has to be some sort of evidence of another weapon I think.