Pulled Over


Active Member
If a police officer pulls over another police officer who is off duty, what happens most of the time? Does that officer still give the other a ticket? Do they just agree to let it go most of the time? I can't be too mad at them if they let their fellow cops off. I've had some let me off because they recognized my last name and knew someone in my family or knew of me from somewhere. We all speed so I have no doubt many copos have been pulled over.
They probably do most of the time. I've noticed there is a definite brotherhood mindset in the police department, so although they might pull over an off duty cop if they didn't know their personal vehicle, it would not surprise me at all if they don't get tickets, or rarely do.
I'm pretty sure that cops let other cops go if they happen to pull one over. The only way that I can see them making a fuss about it is if the two cops aren't exactly on good terms. I wouldn't be mad at them either. Why would you want to stress out another cops who protects the city just like you do.
This is another case of territory. I do not think that a police officer would give their fellow officer a ticket. Besides, a good officer will not need to be pulled over because they observe the law. There are some things that will always happen because that is the way life is. We can only hope that the people supposed to impose the law observe it.
I have no proof one way or another, but it is pretty unlikely they would give a colleague a ticket for something so minor. I am sure if it was a serious offense they would react as if he/she was a civilian. Interesting that you say your name spared you a ticket. My wife is from another town. She has never been in legal trouble in her life, but her younger brother was always in trouble with the law. Because he tainted their last name, she would get questioned and her car searched more often, merely because they shared the same last name.
I would guess that one cop would not issue a ticket to another cop. However, I would hope that a cop wouldn't be driving dangerously when off duty in the first place! Mind you, I suppose we all make mistakes when driving.
I agree with the majority here. A cop is likely to let another officer go. Aside from the 'brotherhood' factor, I would think giving another one a ticket would create some tension. They probably would want to avoid any conflict.