Positivity - Stories of People Helping Others (Including Animals)

I know I really wish the news would focus more on the positive stories out there. Maybe if people heard these stories they would be more inclined to go out and do something good as well.
I know I really wish the news would focus more on the positive stories out there. Maybe if people heard these stories they would be more inclined to go out and do something good as well.
Like a chain reaction ? :P
Oh yeah,good little concept more like a chain reaction ??
I would say that came outta experience nah :P
We have all been having that reaction instinct since childhood.
And, if you enjoy uplifting stories of animal rescues, or just plain cute animals, this is a good site to join, or just visit regularly. I'm posting a link to a particular story, but I visit the site frequently.

This is a story about firefighters who responded to a fire, thinking there was an elderly woman stuck inside. Check out what they found! http://blog.theanimalrescuesite.com/parrots-fire/
It is always so great to hear stories of the police or anyone for that matter, doing a good deed. It restores your faith in mankind and we all need some of that. It seems that almost every story is a bad one, the news is full of bad stories. This is so refreshing!
Stories like this one restore my faith in humanity. Even though mainstream media like reporting bad news every day, there should always be a time for positive stories. Simple stories such as cat videos, heroic acts of a dog, etc. can make a big difference in the outlook of people.