Police Officer Funeral


Active Member
I have noted that police officer who are killed in action have very nice well put together funerals. I love to see how they show that respect for each other as a whole. I am wondering how much it costs to do this with the motorcade and so forth. Is there a fund that it expressly used for such a purpose? Or does the family need to handle this with the life insurance?
I am guessing that there is some sort of insurance on this, after all if they are killed in duty (or not) it's a professional hazard, so it has to be covered.
A few years ago a Sheriff's deputy was shot and killed in the line of duty in a neighboring county. Officers from all over the state, and different departments were a part of the motorcade and funeral. I am sure that there is money set aside in the police union for such things. If it doesn't come from their union, I am sure the government pays for it, in the same way that a military funeral does not cost a soldier's family. My wife's grandpa died last year, and although he had been out of the service for decades, the funeral didn't cost her family a dime.
I believe that officer involved fatalities are paid for with some sort of fund. The families do not pay for officers from all over to come and take part in it. Police work is hard and it hurts everyone when an officer is killed in the line of duty. There is a big comradity amongst officers as a profession.
I'm pretty sure that cops have some sort of life insurance that not only pays for this, but makes sure that the officers funeral expenses and family are well taken care of. I think that would make the most sense, especially if they die on duty .
I wonder if each agency pays the cost for sending their officers to attend funerals for different presincts and states. I know that police from all over the country will travel to honor a fallen fellow officer. I just don't know how that part works, they probably have a fund for this as well?
In the UK, there is a police benevolent fund which pays for the funerals. Officers have the option of contributing to this fund from their paychecks. As well as funeraly, the fund helps the vereaved families and also provides assistance to former officers who have fallen on hard times.
The situation is much worse where I live( India ). The compensation given to families in such incidents is downright disgusting and laughable.
I believe the police force takes care this. It isn't something the family would be able to afford, or be expected to pay for.
I have noted that police officer who are killed in action have very nice well put together funerals. I love to see how they show that respect for each other as a whole. I am wondering how much it costs to do this with the motorcade and so forth. Is there a fund that it expressly used for such a purpose? Or does the family need to handle this with the life insurance?
The police are well-insured so it is hard for police to not have these funerals planned. When officers of the law die they are remembered in that fashion. So they are covered it is something is coming from our tax dollars.