Photos of white cops helping black Americans


Well-Known Member
The reputation of cops has been tarnished by all the negative media coverage of beatings, shootings, choking and the like. That's why some people decided to defend police by posting pictures of police being helpful.

BBC News
In the wake of several high-profile cases of white police officers killing unarmed black men, some Americans have been defending police by posting pictures of officers being helpful.

Couldn't post the photos so you'll have to click the link above to confirm that for every one bad cop there are 10 good ones elsewhere.
Nice, I'm glad that someone is taking initiative finally! There was a lot of fuss against white cops and that can prove those haters wrong.
Thanks for the share.
These are nice pictures to see. Whilst there's no denying that racism exists amongst officers, we shouldn't tar all cops with the same brush. I'm pretty sure that a lot of cops took the job because they wanted to make a positive difference to society. Of course there are bad apples but you get them in any group of people.
The sad truth is all the pictures in the world can't change the acts of the terrible officers caught on tape. I wish it were different & I wish people understood how many officers are out there doing the right thing. However when we enter things like this into the conversation it tends to take the attention away from the specific bad cops/bad precincts that really need to be under the microscope.
I wonder if the cops may not be racist at all? I wonder if maybe, just maybe, they are tired of the same crap from the same gang members, and gang member wannabees, who just happen to be members of a certain race. I would like to see some proof that the cops who shoot people, for whatever reason, are racists. Gee maybe they just hate everybody, and they happen to be dealing with mostly black or hispanic criminals. Or maybe they are genuinely dedicated to making our streets safer, even the mean streets, for law-abiding people everywhere.
I wonder if the cops may not be racist at all? I wonder if maybe, just maybe, they are tired of the same crap from the same gang members, and gang member wannabes, who just happen to be members of a certain race. I would like to see some proof that the cops who shoot people, for whatever reason, are racists. Gee maybe they just hate everybody, and they happen to be dealing with mostly black or hispanic criminals. Or maybe they are genuinely dedicated to making our streets safer, even the mean streets, for law-abiding people everywhere.
Who knows? But wouldn't such an attitude be also counterproductive. If for example a cop believes that a certain age-group, dressed in a certain way, behaving in a "suspicious" way are more likely to be criminals, wouldn't they be tempted to use excessive force when arresting such a person even if he isn't a criminal? We can't whitewash race. Society never can be color blind but if people didn't try to run away from cops, do as they are told, etc we'd have less killings and beatings.
It's always the case that a few bad apples will tar the whole lot. It's sad, but people always remember the bad experiences and totally forget the positives. -and don't let's forget, the media will always push the negative stories and over sensationalise them because they sell better. There are many, many good deeds of the police that go without being reported because they're not "as exciting". That's not to say I agree with the profiling and stereo typing that the police are notorious for. I just tend to to gauge every situation on its own merit, and try my hardest not to generalise.
I find it interesting that the emphasis seems to be on stirring up controversy, which furthers certain agendas. Why are the press and community activists so focused on potential bad police officers, yet the same attention isn't given to those in other fields? Of course it's bad if a cop violates someone's rights, especially if the person ends up dead. I think we all agree that is a bad thing, but is it not also bad when teachers and those in other positions of power, abuse children, the elderly, the mentally ill, etc.? Why are people so quick to paint all law enforcement officers as racist, violent, etc., yet don't seem to have the same animosity toward those in other fields?
You have your god cops, and bad cops regardless of race. Once bad cops have been exposed it seems all cops are at risk of being labeled bad.
Police officers differ from one another. Just because you have encountered one bad/rude cop doesn't mean all cops are just the same. We don't have to stereotype them. There are still police officers who are dedicated and sincere about helping other people, be it black or white.