Pet peeves!


Well-Known Member
Every day, I have to pass through the mall to get home. Today though, I had to stop by the bank's ATM machine to get money. I really really hate it when the person before me takes a long time using the machine. I mean what are you doing that is taking a long time? Shouldn't inquiring about your balance and withdrawing the money the only important things that you should there?

This is one of my pet peeves. I really hate inconsiderate people.
My biggest pet peeve is mother's/father's who dress better then they dress their children. I have seen so many mother's/father's who dress very nice but when you see their children, you think that they live trashy and nasty. How can a parent dress in very nice and expensive clothes but dress their child is off brand and hand-me down clothes that look dingy. I personally cannot stand this. When I had my nephew, I made sure that he was in better clothes than me. If I bought myself new clothes and shoes, I made sure I bought him some to.
The problem is that there are so many inconsiderate persons in the world we are living in. I remember one time I was in a rush and wanted to withdraw money quickly before the bank closed where I was going. A lady who was at the ATM was allowing her child to play with the machine. I was so thankful that I arrived at that bank a few minutes before they closed.
I don't mind people because I expect the worst when dealing with them, but when it comes to machines failing, like my Internet going down, I really go ballistic.
I think I have the most problem when I'm driving, with cars pulling out in front of me and seems like their going about 20Mph slower than the speed limit. I feel if your in a hurry to merge with the oncoming traffic, you should at least drive the speed limit.
People that sag their pants to a limit that is like "How the heck are your pants staying up" I mean if you have to run from a threat at that stage you are not going to make it very far. A little sag is alright, but when your waist band is below your arse cheeks, you have problems. I just assume those people are criminals. I also hate the slow ATM people. There is nothing more annoying like you said than waiting behind those people that must be blind and pushing the wrong buttons.
I have several pet peeves. They're all small, and probably not noticed to often, but I can't help but be aware. I hate it when someone is smacking on gum loudly when I am anywhere in the area; it's like it amplifies over any other noise and I have to get my headphones or something. I get annoyed when I hear someone, mainly my family members, singing loudly and off key. I get furious when people even touch my stuff without asking; I will purposely leave some of my things in a certain position, that way when I come back to it later I will know if someone touched anything. There are some other things as well, but these are my top three.
My biggest pet peeve is when people walk very slowly in front of me. Sadly, I'm a very impatient person and I can't stand slowness in any capacity. What makes it worse the people who don't let you walk around them when they arg going at a snail's pace.

I always want to scream at them, but I feel like that I might come off as crazy lol.
People who sit on the outer seat when they are riding buses, not wanting to move inwards despite the bus being crowded or placing their groceries/bags on the inner seat. You aren't entitled to two seats, others have paid the same fare as you...
Parents who have no clue how to be parents. I do not have children, and I often feel as though I care more about strangers' kids than they do. I saw a two year old running through the mall, and th mother had no clue the child was even missing---three stores away. i saw another woman back hand her three year old who was tired and hungry. The mother was using the stroller as a shopping cart in her two hour trip. When the child banged her head on a fixture, I picked the kid up and checked her out. The mother tried to hit her again for crying. I grabbed her wrist and she demanded to have me arrested. I told her, "Good... then you and I will be in the same cell together all night!"
I hate it when the person in front of me in the cash register queue pays with food checks. Especially when they forget to fill them with their personal data. Once I had to wait 30 goddamned minutes while Christmas shopping for an old lady to sign her ~20 checks.
My pet peeve is people expecting everyone to feel and do and live exactly as they do. People who are rude to others because the world revolves around them. Impatient people who start heavy sighing after standing in line approximately 30 seconds. People that interrupt or can't use simple manners. People say kids today are so disrespectful and entitled.. but if that's so, it's these people they're learning it from. Not the lack of abuse lol.
I hate it when the person in front of me in the cash register queue pays with food checks. Especially when they forget to fill them with their personal data. Once I had to wait 30 goddamned minutes while Christmas shopping for an old lady to sign her ~20 checks.
Haha, I thought I was the only one that hates that! It happened to me once and the guy had to fill in his checks for something like 45 minutes.
I thought I was going to die there.
I really loathe people who cross the road and don't look, but text or are on their phone. I also can't stand people who talk loudly on their phone or if they are in line and are too busy talking to pay the cashier. I'm generally tolerant, but when people behave in a manner where they assume their behavior is acceptable and it's not, I get annoyed. I mean why cross a road and not even look up and text, you deserve to get knocked over.
I share pet peeves with many of those listed above. Another is when two or more people walk next to one another on a path/trail/sidewalk, or in an aisle in a store, forcing you to move aside. I have to confess, I have walked into people who do that, rather than defer, because they can quite easily fall behind one another, and they do not own the aisle/sidewalk.
People who are always late and they would give you long lists of stupid reasons. That's very inconsiderate of other people's time. Is your time more important/precious than mine then?
Me and the OH have made the joint decision not to procreate, yet people still insist on asking us when it's going to happen. When we say that we aren't having any, we get the predictable responses like "Doesn't your mom deserve to be a grandma?" or "You'll love them once they're here". Another one, which I find disgusting is "Who's going to look after you when yo're old?". It's so annoying. Why on earth can't people respect our choice? That's my pet peeve.
I also have a catalogue of pet peeves, some of which include the ones everyone has mentioned. But the other ones I have are:

- People I call the "me, me's", people who talk over you and don't have any listening skills. As long as you're talking, they glaze over and will do anything to bring the conversation back round to themselves! These people also tend to be "one-uppers" too, anything you've done, they've done better!

- People with no manners, who can't be bothered to say please and thank you...grrr!!

- People who have no respect for time. They're always late and make no apologies for it. I really have not time for them, because I'm a stickler for time.
I have a few pet peeves but this is my number 1. Disrespectful retail customers. I have worked retail and some customers you just want to come over the counter after.I get you had a bad day..But you don't need to take it out on the cashier or attendant. They didn't do it or if they did go to the manager. Don't stand there and scream and yell at them. You are just making a fool of yourself. Retail workers are people to, they make mistakes too. They are there to help you not be your verbal whipping boy!
Slurping. I can’t think of anything more insignificant that absolutely gets on my last nerve. I’m not even as bothered by people chewing open-mouthed (though don’t get me wrong, I don’t enjoy that either). I just cannot stand the sound of slurping. I get if if the drink’s still too hot and they weren’t aware, but when people slurp every last drop, I have to leave the room.

The other one is people being inconsiderate about the space they’re taking up and barely even noticing if someone wants to pass by them, and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one bothered by that. I haven’t barreled through anyone yet, but it’s come close to happening.