Personal opinion on marijuana?

"Marijuana shouldn't be legalized but since it isn't as bad as alcohol, tobacco, etc."

Anything smoked is worse than alcohol because the effect of the drug is not limited to those who choose to use it. I think life-threatening allergy reactions to secondhand pot are very rare (never met anybody who's had one), but headaches and extreme irritability seem to be common.
It is illegal and should never be taken. I believe it can greatly harm the person in many levels. I do believe that when one can understand how things worsen by using them, then they should stop taking it.
It's a drug like every other and you can become addicted to it.
I don't see why marijuana is treated like something less addictive than other drugs.
I come from a family of pharmaceutical and I know the basic properties of the composition, and marijuana is just as addictive as every other drug.
Weed has never been my cup of tea when it comes to the game of 'which vice do I prefer'. However, it should be decriminalized. Period. I can't even fit here all the important/influential/like-minded people who converted from thinking the War on Drugs was a great idea to an epic failure. It's not working & it doesn't make sense to jail people that need treatment for non violent drug related crimes.
As a previous user, I could not see how this natural herb compared to anything like alcohol, cocaine, cigarettes, pills or anything like that. I didn't smoke all the time, I didn't allow it to interfere with my responsibilities and I WAS NEVER ADDICTED! I don't know many who have been addicted to marijuana, but I do know several who refused to put it down for personal reasons.

In my personal opinion: best way to relieve stress and to help forget about that crazy, harassing coworker at work. I can still function, it calms my nerves, brings back my appetite, and keeps me from pondering the things I cannot change. And above all, it got me to sleep with out making me groggy or wanting more when the high wore off (which was usually wore off like 3 hours before I ever woke up).

I do know and understand that not everyone has the same reaction to it when eaten or smoked, but it should be at ones discretion--just as alcohol, cigarettes and over the counter pain relief is. These other methods of coping have killed more than one could think. I have never seen a marijuana over dose, or an intent to harm while high and mellowed out.
I think marijuana is harmful and a lot of today’s youth are so exposed to it because of its easy accessibility and how everyone is trying to use it because of its notion of being cool and hip. It is an organic plant but it doesn’t mean it is not harmful because it can be a gateway drug that can lead to the use of higher forms of synthetic drugs. As much as possible, it is better to stay away from this substance and just say no when it is offered.
It is an organic plant but it doesn’t mean it is not harmful because it can be a gateway drug that can lead to the use of higher forms of synthetic drugs.

I hate when people use the term I bolded. It's not true; the addiction only grows if the person has a bad mentality to begin with. Not all who abuse will step up drugs, just as how the drug itself is just a tool and the person using it is to fault for their own actions. Anything else seems to be blaming the Marijuana to shirk responsibility. And what does synthetic drugs have to do with anything? Pot is a natural substance. Why would you link those two? You should say higher forms of drugs. Synthetic wasn't needed.
Hi everybody. I'm a college student, and I'd just like to this ask question for my class project. What is your personal opinion on marijuana?

I am not really in favor of legalizing marijuana for the reason that there's a high possibility that people might abuse it. However, there are actually pros into it. In the state of Colorado wherein marijuana is now legalized, they are taking advantage of marijuana's popularity to the people. Their economy is getting stronger due to the high tax revenue which is being put into good use such as building new school buildings. Crime rate is also said to decline.
I have friends that use it for medical and recreational purposes, but I don't think it's good to make it legal. There are side effects and I have seen a friend so addicted it destroyed his life that he had no heating or food and spent all his money on weed. It's always been seen as harmless and fun, but like all drugs they can be addictive and can lead to using other substances. I don't even think for medicinal purposes it is good as it numbs pain, it doesn't heal.
I hate when people use the term I bolded. It's not true; the addiction only grows if the person has a bad mentality to begin with. Not all who abuse will step up drugs, just as how the drug itself is just a tool and the person using it is to fault for their own actions. Anything else seems to be blaming the Marijuana to shirk responsibility. And what does synthetic drugs have to do with anything? Pot is a natural substance. Why would you link those two? You should say higher forms of drugs. Synthetic wasn't needed.

Well, it depends on what they mean by 'gateway'. If they're implying that weed is how people become addicted to heroin, yes that's ridiculous. If they're implying weed was likely the first drug this hypothetical person has tried, I also find that ridiculous. The only real gateway that weed provides is the gateway into legality issues. Now, what you blame for that gateway is up to you.
Just a few days ago, Marijuana was basically legalized in our nation's capitol. I feel this was in large part to the massive financial success from states such as Colorado. By making it legal, power is taken from illegal groups and transferred back into the hands of the people. The black market for such projects is weakened, and the state itself has made a huge economic windfall.
It's illegal, end of discussion!
I sure hope it stays that way. It's a slow road to brain death! I have re-discovered old friends who could barely put two sentences together, after years of smoking weed! I really wish people would listen!
I think the drug shouldn't be encouraged, but the problem with legalized drugs you can't control the people that use them. I have friends who use it and are under control and one where it has ruined his life and it aged him. He was a young looking 25-year old and now he is skinny and scrawny and looks 40 years-old. Drugs is not a healthy way of life, but it does boil down to personalities and how they control it. Not many can, but it depends on their lifestyle too.
Well another problem I have with legalizing Marijuana is that even more people will be driving under the influence of it. Yes yes I know that some idiots drive under the influence of alcohol! Does that mean we want that situation twofold on our highways? I sure don't!
I sure hope it stays that way. It's a slow road to brain death! I have re-discovered old friends who could barely put two sentences together, after years of smoking weed! I really wish people would listen!

Is there proof that it is a slow road to brain death? The people using it who end up the way they are get there on their own accord. Much like alcohol usage and people who choose to abuse their prescription pills. They choose to live that life regardless of what their life could be, when used at a good discretion. But then you have other people who can drink socially (handful of times a year) and nothing is wrong with the way they drink. Same for people who don't abuse their prescriptions, they choose to live that life and to stay on the right path for what their doctor has prescribed.

It's not fair to take away from all what some people choose to do so ignorantly. Cigarettes and alcohol have killed way more than marijuana--people tend to stay home and keep to themselves when using this herb, but its probably for the best (bad mood, rough day at work, not able to sleep, fatigue etc.). It has also been proven to help cancer patients. Patients with epilepsy are prescribed cannabis oil to help with treatment (legal in every state if I am not mistaken). Marijuana has not been proven to kill brain cells either. The military/government test performed years ago proved that smothering/blocking out oxygen when inhaling kills brain cells, but Marijuana does not have to be smoked--can very well be eaten.

Again, this is down to personal use. This theory that it is bad for some people may very well be true, but if it was legal, don't you think some people would actually have to get out and work (illegal to sell, not illegal to grow your own) for a living just like the people who pay for a drug dealer's living? Not to mention some people might just leave it alone period because they don't get a rush out of doing something that is legal (some people are like that).

Just some things to consider.
Marijuana. I do not think any drugs should be legal from the start. People who smoke tobacco end up with so many health care costs and it wears on the society. It tears a society down when people buy into the junk of drugs and feel good quick tricks. However if they are legalizing it and legalizing all these other Sodom and Gomorrah behaviors then why not bring it all on instead of slowly trickling through over time into our society.
It is legal in my state, but federal law still makes it illegal everywhere, so the feds could still bust you if they chose, no matter what the state says is legal. I do not have a bad opinion on marijuana as it has many medicinal purposes. I personally can't stand the way it smells, but if others can find healing in it, then they should be able to take it.