Paying for equipment?


Well-Known Member
Do police officers have to pay for their own guns and belt equipment? It seems as though every officer has something slightly different on their belts and I was curious if that is because they have to pay for their own gear? I know that there are law enforcement stores where officers can shop for items, but did not know if this is a department budget or if it comes out of the officer's own pocket?
Here's an example of how things work in solely uniform coverage in Chicago:
That is unfortunate if you got to buy your equipment. I mean what is a person to do if they do not have the cash. Then again that is why they pay you when you go to the academy.
No you are not, I'm with you. There's so many private military with the money to fund mercenaries but the people who protect us from everyday stuff have to pay for their protection? That just seems wrong on many levels, especially since the government gives money to trailer trash who spend it wrong, why can't they give it to the cops who rightfully deserve it and help them buy their gear with grants or loans? Makes no sense. None.
I agree with you guys, police officers should be offered equipment. It doesn't seem right that someone who is supposed to protect citizens should buy his own gear.
It is also very expensive, that's another reason why it should be free for them.
Exactly. How can they expect a normal salary cop to afford their expenses if they don't at least have a hand? This is probably just one of many areas the cops should have leniency in - gear. I know this isn't the sole reason, or that they don't get paid nearly what they should to risk their lives, and have to struggle to get promotions (got friends on the force here who tell me that) it's no wonder there are corrupt-ish cops that turn out. Look at what they have to deal with and how little they have to deal with it. I know this is an excuse and morally right cops have been fine for years and I understand that, I get that, I respect that. But some people are weaker and this could help them lead to issues of "Grey area"
I find that a little odd too, why would we need to pay for our equipment? After all we just need it to work so it should be supplied for free, but this is just my opinion.