Passenger jet being shot down


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually believe that the Russians would shot down a passenger jet.

What would they have to gain by it?

I find it funny that they showed some footage of some military guy looking at complete Passports all intact laying in the same area on the ground.
Maybe if they keep telling us over and over again that Russia did it we'll believe it and go to war with Russia. But only after we get out of Afghanistan first.

I agree with you, what is Russia's motivation
Those passports being new does not amuse me.[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, san-serif]That missile was at 600 odd mph so it is logical that the small items are ripped from the body from the main fuselage of the jet.The only think which comes into question here is why was the pilot flying over a war zone..?
The flight course deviated and you don't need black box to prove it for you.
Lots of planes flew over that area, and fly over other war zones all the time. He was just following his route. Russia supplied the military supplies to the separatists in Eastern Ukraine who used them to shoot the plane down.
I agree, why was he flying over that area. Maybe he had a death wish
Death wish..seriously..? Don't you see the conspiracy behind this.
It was pre-assigned,by the airline themselves.They wanted the plane to fly over this.I can't help thinking of the possibilities.
Why are they saying that "The bodies were decomposing"
Why no investigators there as yet
Where is the black box material
Endless list..!!
Some people are crazy and would do something just for the sake of it. They would shoot down the passenger jet for their own crazy amusement. There are a number of people so bored with their life that they look for ways to feel important. I hope that they do not shoot down the passenger jet just to prove that they can do it.
I don't trust any governments, they are always up to something and no-one can work out what is going on. It is best to watch what this accomplishes.
There was much talk about the Malaysian plane . . . accusations, counter-accusations then suddenly everyone shut up. It's like [except for those who lost their loved ones] everyone else was talking about the plane because they had to. I believe though that the Ukrainian government with the CIA's help was the one which shot down the plane to get NATO to help the Ukrainian government against Russia. It didn't work.
Well their are many things going on in the world today that strongly goes against conventional logic and it makes me to wonder what exactly is really happening. Even the mystery of the missing Malaysian plane still remains unsolved.