OC judge cuts 15 years off sex offender sentence.


Well-Known Member
An Orange County Superiour Court judge today decided that convicted child rapist, Kevin Rojano, should have his 25 year sentence for sodomizing a child cut short by 15 years as "there was no violence or callous disregard to the vicim's well being".

Is anyone else fuming with rage after reading this link? I know I sure am. How on earth did this judge come to the conclusion that sodomizing a 3 year old girl was not callous?

OC Judge Cuts 15 Years Off Mandatory Sentence of Man Convicted of Sodomizing Toddler | KTLA
Guy sodomizes a 3 year old girl, and a judge wants to shave off years? Almost makes you wonder about the judge. I don't care about any stupid details, If he's guilty of doing that act, I think he should be locked up for life. There is no excuse for that, a man like that should never be able to walk the streets.
Is the judge also a pedophile? That's the only way I can make sense of this. I'm curious if this was at the request of the convict? If not this is even more insane.
What a load of trash! I suppose the poor pedophile had a bad childhood, or maybe he was mentally ill...BLAH BLAH BLAH! When are we going to get rid of these activist, braindead judges, and institute the death penalty, YES I said the death penalty, for child rapists?? And yeah, maybe the judge is one as well! Good thing for these pervs that the 3 yr. old wasn't mine! :mad:
It would be cruel and unusual punishment to impose? And the man sodomized the kid? Pedophile sympathizers are no better than pedos themselves. I hope the judge is forced to step down. Good thing about these social media campaigns is that the judge's reputation will tarnished so badly that he'll have no choice but to step down.