No more honey boo boo! Mom is dating a sex offender...


Well-Known Member
Honey Boo Boo has finally used up her 15 minutes of fame. Her mother June had left her husband and has been secretly dating a convicted pedophile. SMH rednecks in action. Hopefully someone will get some help for these kids and stop exploiting them for fame and money. Read all about it here.
Honey Boo Boo has finally used up her 15 minutes of fame. Her mother June had left her husband and has been secretly dating a convicted pedophile. SMH rednecks in action. Hopefully someone will get some help for these kids and stop exploiting them for fame and money. Read all about it here.
Wow, that is insane on so many levels. How does that even work out, and she knew about these charges before she started dating him? I would say more like hillbillies in action because that's what her family reminds me of; hillbillies with money. There is a slight difference, hillbillies are dumb (donkeys) and rednecks are smart, somewhat nice (donkeys).
WOW. That is something I honestly did not expect. I really just hope that the attention isn't dedicated to the show not being aired any more or just on the one child. If any focus is put on this, it should be on the children and how they are and what can be done to make them happy. The children have it the worst.
There's another story breaking that one of the children involved is actually one of June's kids. This thing keeps getting more bizarre and crazy by the day.
Everything that has a start definitely has an ending. Her bad choices have brought the show to a close. I wonder why the heart makes foolish choices even when someone is intelligent. I hope that her kids will have a settled life away from the spotlight. By the way, she is not defeated, she will come up with something else; just give her some time.
I never saw the show, nor did I know who Honey Boo Boo was other than a couple pictures in some store "rag mags". However, this story said the man was in prison for 10 years and forced oral sex on an 8 yr old. It also says he molested one of her relatives. That is just sick. These kids should be removed for child endangerment if they were ever near him.

Secondly, I have first hand knowledge the TLC is not the moral nor legal network they are trying to claim. One of their very popular shows perpetrated fraud upon its viewers and even the people involved on the show. It not only knew of, but encouraged its show participants to engage in illegal activities, regardless of how minor those infractions may have seemed. This is not a "real" channel that promotes "real" television.

In my opinion, anyone who commits a crime against a child should be given a choice: Do you want to be incarcerated for life, or be put to death? That is the only thing acceptable to keep our children safe.

Now, with that said, we also need to look at the sex offender registry. I do not believe those who visit prostitutes should be considered sex offenders. If it was consensual with an adult, then he should not be classified with those who commit crimes against children. Also, if a man meets a woman in a bar (where the minimum age is 21), he should not be responsible for any statutory rape. He assumed she was 21 to be there. Just my two cents.
Wow - that's like going from one car crash to the next. I guess this won't be the last we hear about the family. I'm pretty sure that they'll drag out that 15 minutes of fame as long as they possibly can.
I read about this story earlier. I watched this show a few times and didn't like it.I have always thought the children were being exploited. I also hope the children get the help they need. Some people will do anything for money and fame.
Oh my goodness >.< I've always felt bad for those kids because their mother is teaching them to be obese and lazy for their entire lives this? How can people say they love their kids but then SLEEP WITH A MAN WHO HAS HARMED CHILDREN?!?!? I don't understand. Her husband seemed to be a good man, but that's not good enough for women like this. I pray that her children weren't hurt due to her stupidity.
I just hope that Honey Boo Boo will manage to live a normal life and learn to behave like a normal goddamned, non-spoiled child. She was truly raised by narcissists and I hope she'll be able to adapt to a normal life.
I don't think that child's life will be anything near normal. I really think when she hits her late teen years you will see her all over the tabloids and her life will be a train wreck. The sad part is she will probably be seeking the attention she got with this wreck of a TV series for the rest of her life. I think the whole family needs some serious counseling. How a mother can date a convicted sex offender when she has daughters is just insane to me. You really have to be messed up in the head to think that would be a good and proper idea.
I'm sorry, but a mother who dresses her three year old up like a prostitute should not have had her own show to begin with. She should've gone to jail for exploitation of a minor. Like we didn't know something was wrong with her when she made her daughter dress like a hooker. Come on! It takes her dating a sex offender to see it?
Well, he paid his debt. Would I let him around my children? NO. But this is America, people do things a lot of people don't agree with.
Well, the show has been canceled, it turns out one of the daughters was assaulted by this guy at one point... and now the cameras won't be there for additional footage/protection. Someone needs to step in here and make sure these kids are safe.
It was the daughter and he is the sex offender? He should not be permitted near children at all! Especially his victim! I hope to god some child advocate steps forward and takes care of this. The mother obviously is not concerned with protecting her children. What is wrong with people?
I'm sure someone will step in being that it's a high profile family. I don't care for this show at all, but that doesn't mean bad things should happen to those kids.