No-Go Zones?


Well-Known Member
There were some allegations online that in Paris, there were some parts of Paris where the cops did not dare set foot in. Doing some research to find if such no-go zones exist in other cities in the world I learned that in the UK and U.S they also have a few of these no-go areas.

I wonder though if these rumors exist? Do such no-go areas exist in your city? Heard of any, elsewhere?
I've certainly heard reports that there are police no-go areas in the UK, particularly on council estates (or what you might call the "projects" in the US). I live close to one of Europe's biggest council estates and it's certainly true that police will only attend calls there in threes!
Oh yeah there are those places! I don't want to name any, because in the US, if you say anything like that, you are branded a racist (even though a lot of them are diverse ). I have known cops who talked about problem areas like that.
Well, I don't think these places are advertised. They do exist. There have been quite a few places I've been to where you don't want a crime to happen because there won't be cops until the TV reporters show up.
I used to work in some really bad areas of Houston, and saw police responding in them all. But, I left before the sun went down, or shortly thereafter. They were some really scary areas, but that's where my clients were, so I went. I was told by clients though, at one visit, that there had been a family incident at the home the previous week, and, although they'd called the police, the police had never shown up. I asked them why not, and they said the police never responded there after dark. There was a crack house nearby, and I honestly had never gone near the neighborhood prior to working with them. I would never go there after dark, but that is the first time I'd ever heard of law enforcement purposely ignoring a call for help.