Naked Man In Doorway Is Not Breaking Law, Police Say


Well-Known Member
Residents of a Cardinal Glen, NC, are fed up with a neighbor who they say stands naked at the front door of his house several times a week. And he has been doing that for 10 years. But police can't do anything about it because "he was doing nothing illegal."

According to North Carolina law, a person can only be charged with indecent exposure if they "willfully expose the private parts of his or her person in any public place and in the presence of any other person or persons."

The man's neighbors . . . are worried. They want to come together to help change that law to protect their children.

I wonder if it would that easy to get the law amended.
True if he is on his own property he is not breaking any laws and I think it would be a waste of time and money to try to change a law. It would be open to all kinds of abuse, say if someone had their curtains open or were sunbathing naked in the garden. There are too many variables and a judge would say you shouldn't be looking. No one is forcing you to look, so there is no harm done.
I think the man is a pervert though. He's on his property, yes, but must he stand in the doorway? I'm supposing he stands there specifically so those who pass by can see . . . well, whatever he wants them to see.

True if he is on his own property he is not breaking any laws and I think it would be a waste of time and money to try to change a law.
I doubt that the State would change the law for one neighborhood. But should more people sign a petition [for the proposed amendment] then maybe . . .
He sounds like a pervert, but there is no law saying he can't sunbathe naked on his front garden as vile as that sounds. Maybe they should use the media to highlight the story in that way and put pressure him to limit his naked appearance. He may be a nudist too, it's not for people to judge, but if the naked person was a young thin female would the neighbors still be upset?
Perv or not, he's not doing anything wrong. He's not going to rape their children just because he likes to put on a show. People are so bent out of shape about the human body, it's amusing. I'd rather teach my children the neighbour is a kook, then make them afraid of some nudity, and for their own safety. They know what to do if anyone were to ever try anything with them, don't get me wrong. But standing naked in your door way is just looking for attention, not a threat. And it's just a PENIS, not a machete. I'd be annoyed for sure, but enough with chipping away at our freedoms for the sake of some comfort.. next it will be one of your own freedoms.
That law doesn't make sense really, so he can be doing whatever as long as he's inside his home? I wouldn't like it especially if my kids were passing by there.
I think the man is a pervert though. He's on his property, yes, but must he stand in the doorway? I'm supposing he stands there specifically so those who pass by can see . . . well, whatever he wants them to see.

I doubt that the State would change the law for one neighborhood. But should more people sign a petition [for the proposed amendment] then maybe . . .
He is a pevert, because why would he do that, what keeps crossing my mind is that, I do agree that he is in his house so he is not braking the law, but while he is standing at he door, is he not exposing himself indecently to the public, becuase he is standing facing the public, so he is exposing himself indecently towards the public, maybe he should be ordered to fence his compound that way he can walk in there nudely as much as he wants.
He is absolutely a pervert. What kind of a person will stand on his doorway naked for all the world to see? Maybe yes, he is not doing anything illegal, but the neighborhood children always see him that way, and his indecent exposure could totally affect these innocent lives. I hope the police would do something about this case.
Geez, it's not like being naked is going to traumatize the kids, unless the parents plant the thought that the act of being naked is dangerous. Seriously. I get that flashers and exhibitionists are inflicting trauma -- but as far as I'm concerned, it's because they are doing it with intent, in places where people would see it as aggression (if you do it in a playground, you are taking away the feeling of being "safe" from anyone there, and the feeling of freedom and being relaxed; same as if you just impose your body on the corner of any street, you leave the idea of "no place is safe")

If you are regularly naked on your property but never anywhere else? I think it just become "one of these things", that weird naked man, but not invasive, not dangerous. Nudity is not something terrible and pervert in itself, people. He really could be just a nudist; he could also have a lack of self awareness, or whatever it is. He could be a pervert, but it could be that he's no pervert too. Try to think in more than one direction, people.
I reckon he stands there out of spite. He knows he is entitled to do this and also knows how much it annoys people. He's just doing it to shock and wind people up. I really don't think there's anything sexual behind this.

To be honest, I'm not sure what the problem is. It's a penis for crying out loud, 50% of the world's population has one.
I do not understand. Yes, he is on his property. However, public space is outside his grounds. Therefore his exposure is in the public face. If he were at his door with the door closed naked that is one thing. There is something of his property between himself and the public. But if the door is open to show private areas, the he is exposing indecently. There are freedoms in our country, yet there is the understanding that with that freedom there is respect and responsibility. It seems like people want to use the word freedom to develop a world of sin and chaos. Couldn't the neighborhood petition or rally together to band this neighbor. Has anyone asked him why he does it? Why he does not stop it since no one wants to see his private area anyway. Disgusting.
Legally he can sit on his front lawn or garden naked as it's private property and no one can do anything. Many people sunbathe naked in the garden and it's private property. I walk around my own home naked at times and when I lived near the beach people could see in through the window, but they shouldn't be looking regardless. While he may be a pervert or likes being naked, it's not a crime and you can't force people to erect a fence. Simply don't look.
Obviously this man's sense of decency is non existent. But I do agree that it's the parents responsibility to keep the children out of harms way since this man thinks he's doing no wrong.
People should definitely be allowed to be naked in their own home or on their own property, but they really shouldn't be standing in front of their neighbors showing off their junk. Seriously? Kind of gross. I would be so ashamed and embarrassed if my neighbors ever saw me naked!