Mother Sets Baby On Fire


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According to NJ police, a 22-year-old mother set her newborn baby on fire in the middle of a road in Pemberton Township, N.J., late Friday. Authorities say Hyphernkemberly Dorvilier allegedly killed her baby by dousing her with a flammable liquid and setting her on fire in the middle of the street.

Dave Joseph told police he witnessed the horrible incident that happened around 11 p.m. Friday night. Joseph said Dorvilier got out of her vehicle and lit something on fire in the middle of the street. When Joseph questioned what she was doing, Dorvilier allegedly told him she was burning dog waste. “It was just horrible. Like nothing you’ve ever seen,†said Joseph.

When Dorvilier made an attempt to leave the scene, Joseph stopped her. “She was trying to defy what it was. I had her on the ground. I was holding her down because she tried to get away,†he said.

Authorities say when police arrived to the scene, the newborn was still alive and breathing. She was airlifted to Temple University Hospital's burn unit, then later transferred to St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. The newborn died Saturday morning, police said.

"It was just mind boggling. It was a nightmare even if you have a strong heart," Joseph said. "Hopefully she'll pay for it."

Dorvilier was charged Saturday with murder and jailed on $500,000 bail.



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We must be nearing the end of times if a mother can burn her new born.I mean,why did she carry the pregnancy to term only to kill an innocent soul in the middle of a street in the dead of the night? What did the child do to deserve this? Am just stunned by this incident.
What a terrible thing to do- I am so tired of these terrible parents doing awful things to their children. A few weeks ago, a father threw his 5 year old over a bridge. A week ago, a child locally was killed when she was tormented for a month by both parent's. Where is child protective services? So many terrible things happening in this day and time...
Many of the jobs which Americans used to do have been replaced by immigrants. These immigrants when they get into supervisory positions will only hire more immigrants.

The mother was probably collecting welfare since she can't get a job. Sitting at home all day isn't going to help matters and she will become mentally unstable.
I wonder what the world is coming to. I think that conscience is dead for many people. How can a mother who carried a pregnancy to term and stood the pain of giving birth then kill her baby in such a cruel way? Has it been established if she was on drugs? There are so many bad things in the today world that our forefathers must be turning in their graves.
I'm kind of speechless. Why a newborn baby deserves that kind of treatment is beyond me. It's such a sad reflection on society that this can ever happen. I just hope that the mother gets what she deserves.
That is really sad, I wonder what was the mother thinking. Poor little baby had no chance to live. I really hope she gets help, there is something really wrong inside a person that would do that.
She probably set her baby on fire because she looks like an armadillo and no one's ever got no one to talk to her. What an idiot who would dare set their own child on fire on purpose what a stupid women she should be ashamed of her life. she's permanently shamed her family and I hope they sent her to jail for life.
This brings tears to my eyes, as a mother I could never imagine doing something like this to my children and I don't know what would bring someone to do this! I know that postpartum depression is no joke but you have to be really sick in the head to go this far.
That poor baby :( When the mentally ill are ignored, things like this happen.

She was probably collecting welfare and sitting home all day???? wtf